a blog about obscure muzik & graphix,random thoughts and free minds.

Friday 28 February 2014

M.NOMIZED-Voyage-(Raippa Records-Finland-c60-1995)

Here a tape by M. Nomized.
 A very talented and prolific multi-media artist active in the underground cassette label scene since the end of the 70s.
I  wrote already about him and all his activities when I posted 2 tapes by The Golozos,here if you want to check that post and read more about him,yes there is a lot to read...
Raippa Records was a small tape label from Finland active in the 90s and I cannot find any more info about it,I guess it is not active any longer.
A good tape of "minimal electro-pop"(??) experiments!

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Wednesday 26 February 2014

Fanz?zine Alternativo number 6&7 + live tape with Doom,No More,Abolition,Disrupt,Shortshight,Positi Caustico(Spain-1994)

Beatiful and very interesting double number of this Spanish fanzine that came out in 1994 and it was released with a live tape.The crew making this fanzine was a kind of anarchist punk collective open to the discussion of different issues and subjects.
You`ll find here interviews with Hiatus , ShortSight , Age , Feeding the Fire, Think   Twice,Mdm,Growing Concern,No More + a good report about Resistance Productions, articles about  the VII vegan festival  in Girona , thirld world issues, against the bullfights , an interview with a gay collective and more interesting stuff.
All in all a fanzine crafted with  very good articles and a nice graphix layout too.

The tape is the documentation of the gigs that this anarco-punk collective  managed to organize mainly  in the Social Squatted Centre  Minuesa in Madrid.
The bands involved are Doom,No More and Abolition on the side A and Disrupt,Shortsight and Positi Caustico on the side B.
The recording is not always good and there are no tracks titles, therefore I left this tape unindexed.
I love the drawing of the cassette cover.
Enjoy it.

ps-this zine is only in spanish language.


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Monday 24 February 2014

MOTH-Gray Star Rising (F.D.R. Tapes-Usa-c60-199x)

No much info about this project called Moth from Spokane -U.S.A.!
The label is F.D.R. managed by  Brian Noring who seems to be still active now days.
The music on this tape is a kind of ambient noise with some nice passages between the frazzled electro bits and some white noise goings.
A good tape for inner voyages.


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Sunday 23 February 2014

VITTORE BARONI-Trax 0185 (Trax Editions-Italy-c46-1986)[Mail Art-No Music- Global Networking]

Vittore Baroni is a mail artist,music critic and  a real cultural activist.The internet is full of info about him and for you all curious people I gonna link here some pages:Biography-wikipedia
Here an interview  made by Tatiana Bazzichelli, and here a page dedicated to him on discogs  where you will find more links for his different projects.
Now about this project: Trax (1981-1987) was an 80s label founded by Piermario Ciani, Vittore Baroni and Massimo Giacon . It was an open networking project that connected over 500 artists and musicians from different countries, producing records, audiomagazines, xerographies, comics, t-shirts, exhibitions and so on.
I did find a full page on Italia und New Wave blog,so this is the link for that  page where you will find all the useful info.This tape is  listed there but not as download,I also added all the scans of the little zine  which was part of this project + few other art-works that Vittore sent me with this tape!!!
Mind you this was a media for a much bigger project  of mail art used as a modular system with illimitate composition where the units generate trax.
As  Vittore clearly writes on the cover-sleeve:"this tape does NOt contains music".
You have been warned! >~<


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Saturday 22 February 2014

v.a.-ARCHIVES HUMAINES Vol 1-(Sepulkrales Katakombes-Belgium-c100-1996)

I spoke already in this blog about Sepulkrales Katakombes, an old tape label managed by Cedrik Fermont.
This is a compilation released in 1996 and featuring lots of very good artists of that time.
I didn`t see this one on any other blog so far.
Excellent compilation for the lovers of esoteric electronikx, distorted and frazzled noises + more weird goings.
A nice gift from the graveyard of the 90s.

click me

Here the tracklist.

Haleine (Remix)

Martian Archeology

Classical Shit


Cantione Profana II


One Concrete Fairytale

Resolution-Off 03 (Another Mix)

Wart Is Love

Dissolve (Remix)

Don't Be Afraid

Ballistic Resistance




Puncture That Hole

Sway Of The Spirit

Axiome 155 (Der Kirchhof)


Išnykusios Civilizacijos Veidas

AO 806

Lbsom (Belgisk Remix)

Don Hígado En Las Montañas Rojas



  • Artwork By [Cover] – Olivier Dinant

DSIP-Subliminal Sculptures (dsip prods-May 1992-c60)+The Grim Scenario(Toracic tapes-Spain-1991-c60)+Time Zone Eyes-(dsip prods-c46-May 1992)

Back in 2009 I passed to Vita Ignes Corpus Lignum all the tapes by DSIP that I had in my collection.
In the mid 90s I was in touch with Dieter Mauson of Dsip and we did trade lots of tapes.
As far as I know after a long hiatus Dsip are back and they released a couple of new cds,also they have their own blog.Here you can read about their new productions and download some of the old tapes,for some reasons those 3 tapes are not there neither  few others that are still available on Vita Ignes Corpus Lignum where you can also read the reviews written by Crepusculum.
I am re-posting those tapes here after  somebody directly asked me to do so,apparently the links in Vita Ignes are not working anymore for those  ones.
For the ones whom do not know Dsip-this duo (Siegmar Fricke+Dieter Mauson) is a project of great hypnotic and dream-like electro.
A classic from the past yet alive and kicking.
Enjoy it.


 the grim scenario

time zone eyes

subliminal sculptures 

Friday 21 February 2014

INCENSE -Le Journal Des Ruines-(Fanzine-March 1994-France)

Le Journal Des Ruines is a small zine edited and  distributed by Cyril Herry who was managing Incense tape label back in the 90s.He also was playing in Exotoendo,Salamandre and few other projects.Here his blog about graphix and pictures.
This zine is made of poetries about the ruins and it contains very nice pictures in black and white.It`s all photocopied but the quality is excellent,very good pics here.
The poetries are in French with English translations.
A very nice one :)


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BORGHESIA - In concerto a El Paso(c46-Nautilus/El Paso Prods,1988-Italy)

Few years ago I passed this tape to Misterioso Impossivel blog,that link is dead now so I re-post it here.

Borghesia is a Slovenian electronic music / rock music group, created in Ljubljana in 1982. The band was formed by members of the alternative theatre group Theatre FV-112/15. Borghesia created its aesthetics using the imagery of prohibited, tabooed and repressed. Their sound is often compared to that of other groups in the period such as D.A.F., Manufacture and more notably Front 242, whom many cite as the chief instigators of the Electronic Body Music label used to describe such music. Borghesia went on several Europe-wide concert tours, mainly in 1988-91, which were reviewed in large music magazines in England, Germany etc., like NME, Melody Maker, New Life, Zillo. They released four albums on Play It Again Sam, one of the more important indie labels, which were also licensed to Wax Trax in the USA and Canada. Further interviews and articles in the magazines above. Aldo Ivancic later formed the band Bast, and is famous in the Slovenian music scene today as a producer. Borghesia together with Laibach were prominent representatives of Slovenian alternative pop music, and topped the bill on the compilation albums Trans Slovenia Express, released on Mute Records. Borghesia live show in Gothenburg, Sweden in October 1988 was the subject of an hour long broadcast on Swedish national radio network, on the show P3 Live.(from wikipedia)
This tape is a live gig recorded at El Paso squat in Turin(Italy) on 17-12-1988-the gig was a  benefit for 5 people  arrested for public insult to forigner head of state,in this case the Pope who was visiting Turin few months earlier this gig.
EL PAso is still alive and kicking and you can check their webpage here:www.ecn.org/elpaso
Also this tape is co-produced by Nautilus,this is a very good label of radical anarchist books+magazines and music,also this label is still active,you can check their website here:www.ecn.org/nautilus
I have no idea how many copies of this tape El paso+Nautilus  distributed at the time.it`s not available any longer.The live recording is just amazing.I did scan  the cover sleeve + the small booklet included.I am afraid the lyrics were only translated into italian language.
Enjoy it.

(digital transfer by F@R@W@Y)
(review by Wikipedia+F@R@W@Y)

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Thursday 20 February 2014

v.a.-ONE TWO THREE FOUR,vol I(Ebu`s Music-c60-Germany-1991)+v.a.-ONE TWO THREE FOUR,vol II(EBU`s music-c60-Germany-1992)

4 ways split tapes those compilations assembled by Carsten Olbrich, mastermind of the tape label Ebu`s Music.
I spoke already about him on this blog, here that post.
The vol 1 of this tapes brings us Unpleasant Surprise, Frak, M.Nomized and Vulture Culture. The vol 2 instead has Treye, D as Frohlique Wohnzimmer Der Asthetische Einzelkampfer and The Dead Goldfish Ensemble.
Both tapes came in a Cr02 tape and have the color paper cover with addresses of the bands and song titles.
The music is very different going from some form of folk to some weird electro dance stuff and beyond.
Very well done Carsten: >
one two three four vol1 
one two three four vol2 

FACTORY POWER CORPS-Gouge (c60-diy-South Africa-199x)

Industrial electro metal for this band from South Africa- I don`t know much about them,the recording is very good and  the colour cover sleeve has lyrics,graphix and few info.
A good  tape for the lovers of Cosmonauts Hail Satan,Ministry and similar bands.
Enjoy it.


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SOCKEYE-Whimsical Butt:Big Hits From Ohio (Boredom Tapes-1992-Greece-c90)

More than 50 songs on this demo by the American band Sockeye which was released in 1992 on the Greek label called Boredom Tapes.
Their music is a funny form of  lo-fi punk rock and there is a cover of "Do they own us a living " by Crass.


Wednesday 19 February 2014

DECADENCE WITHIN / MANFAT- split tape- (Ripping Trash/ Mut prods.-UK-1995)

Split tape shared by  Decadence Within and Manfat,both bands from England and playing a kind of sludge punk,very powerful and aggressive.
This tape was a benefit for Hunt Saboteurs Association,released by Ripping Trash zine and Mut zine.
Good recording,inset graphix and info.
A good one for the punks...


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v.a.-NEW HIPPIES-vol 1(Red Neon Tapes,c60,Belgium,1990)+v.a.-NEW HIPPIES vol 2-(Red Neon Tapes-Belgium-c60-199x)+v.a.-NEW HIPPIES vol 3(Red Neon Tapes-Belgium-C60-199x)

New Hippies was a series of compilation tapes compiled and released by Patrick Parent of Red Neon Tapes,a small yet very active diy tape label based in Brussel (Belgium)-Patrick used to swap tapes and his own productions were not for sale but only for trade.He also was playing  electronic experimental music with his own project called Etat Des Stock here a webpage  about his activities.
On New Hippies- vol. 1 you`ll find tracks by The Golozos,Dsip,Siegmar Fricke,M.Nomized,Didi,hermanos Guzanos and more.
 New Hippies- vol. 2 contains Klimperei,Dilemma,The Dead Goldfish Ensamble,The High Tech Pagodes,Machine Maid Man,The detectives,Deaf goes East and few other names.
New  Hippies- vol. 3 offers us From Nursery  to Misery,las Animas,Eiaculazione Amusicale,No Muzik,Etat Des Stock,\tuxla,Wild Roses,King Ebu...
The music styles on those compilations are very different!!!Patrick was accepting any kind of music!!!The most is experimental electronics but from time to time you`ll find also some  weird folk or punk or art rock,there is  really a bit of everything  in those tapes.
They are crafted with colour paper covers and  a copy insert with song-titles and addresses of the bands/artists.
Excellent tapes for people into  very underground music from the past.
No musical borders here.

\f*a*r*a*w*a*y /
new hippies vol 1

new hippies vol 2

new hippies vol 3

SHAMAN BRAIN -demo-(Joukkomurha-Finland-1993-c60)

Low fi punk rock for this finnish band released on Joukkomurha Productions in 1993.17 songs on this demo,all singed in finnish...

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LASSE MARHAUG-GESTORTE NACHBARN-Metal Pollution(split tape)[B Gore records-Spain-1996-c30]

GESTORTE NACHBARN  is Juan Herrero also known as Anal Utherogestation , Brutal Defecation , Juan Obeja , Nuclear Noise ..

In later years Lasse Marhaug has almost become synonymous with Scandinavian Noise. From his "camp" in Trondheim, Norway, he's been launching release after release with brutal and often "witty" noise both under his real name and with groups such as DEL and parts of the Origami Republika projects. Lasse has also worked with some of the "legends" such as Merzbow and Aube, and played before Einstürzende Neubauten on his GB-tour.
Lasse Marhaug also runs the Pica Disk label.



In Groups:

this is pure noise terrorism...
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Tuesday 18 February 2014

CEFODIE/CULVER-Split Tape(Matching Head -UK-c60-1996)

Split tape  by Culver from Uk and Cefodie from Italy coming in a small and nice cardboard package and b/w photocopy artwork.
It was released on Matching Head label managed by Culver himself.
Culver was into mail art and strange comics and he seems to be still active now days.
The music is ambient noise well structured and both artists have  a kind of diy approach and inspiration.
Very good for  lovers of weird electronics voyages and yes Cefodie has a couple of "out-of tune" folk(???) songs too.
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SELF SUPPORTING TRANCES-Untiltled-(c30-EE tapes-Belgium-1994)

Very interesting kind of hypno noisy electro ambient this one side only tape by Self Supporting Trances released back in 1994 by the amazing tape label EE Tapes in Belgium.This was printed in a limited edition of 50 copies and  I am pretty sure it`s not available any longer. EE tapes is still active and here you`ll find their webpage.


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MONSTER-mail art project documentation (graphix,copy art,mail art,drawings,zine)

Mail Art project managed by Evan Griffiths who also was managing an independent DIY punk distro and publishing Gibbering Madness fanzine.
Quite a bunch of nice drawings and graphics in this small zine.

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F.E.M.-omonimo (Cube Music 2-Italy-c50-1994)

Industrial metal for this Italian band, professional recording and color cover make this tape a very good one. Although not all the tracks are industrial the most are. There is some experimental music in it which makes this tape even more interesting to me.


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Monday 17 February 2014

RANDALL FLAGG-Exogini-demo` 88 (Italy-diy-1988)

4 songs of violent thrash metal by this Neapolitan band active in the 80s.A pure jewel for the metal heads worldwide.
Thrash `till death...


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D.M.A.D.T.-Rustikal Industrial(Cat killer -Germany-c90-199x)+D.M.A.D.T.-Sekrale Tiertotung(Cat Killer -Germany-c46-199x)

93 copies for those tapes by D.M.A.D.T. released by Cat Killer in Germany in the mid 90s.
Carsten Vollmer appears to be the artist behind this name and he was also the  master-mind behind  Cat Killer label.
The music is a kind of ancient rhythmic noise in Rustical Industrial while the 2  long tracks on the Sekrale Tiertotung seems to be made more of field recordings to reach a   full industrial noise attack.

rustikal industrial

sekrale tiertotung 

NO MORE SEXISM (graphix-art work-patch-1997)

This is a drawing by Raff of Contaminated Productions!It came out as a patch with the first 50 copies of  the double compilation No More Sexism compiled and released by Contaminated Productions in 1996.
I passed this  compilation to Titus of  Radiomolotov  blog -here if you want to check that post and download the double tape+zine,and there is a review by Titus too.


Sunday 16 February 2014

TESENDALO-Klangwiedergabe (Destroy All Music-UK-c46-1995)

Very nice dream-like hypnotic electro on this tape by german artist Tesendalo which real name is Peter Schuster,still active now days.
You can find more info about him and his activities and releases visiting  his webpage called Prionmusic.
His website is only in german language yet it`s possible to listen quite few mp3s and also get the very long discography.

The tape label is instead  the Scottish Destroy all Music which was active during the 90s producing  experimental electronic artists.
I cannot find more info about this label on the net.
Enjoy this tape.*)


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SPINNERS - Dig The Hole,Forget The Sun (diy demo-1991-Turkey)

The Spinners were a punk band coming from Turkey and I have a kind of recall that they were all girls.They are  present in the compilation No Legal Murder produced by Contaminated Productions in 1992.


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THE CRIMSON IGUANADON - Disintegration Is Bliss (diy-UK-c60-1992)

I passed this tape to misterioso impossivel blog few years ago, however that link is dead now,so I re-post it here.
Very good experimental electronic music with a dance-floor twist.
It came out with a small zine of copy art, nice collages and lyrics.
For all the lovers of cuts up and loops and strange sound effects.

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THE SUDANESE WITCH HUNT-Rising Up (Hunt Music -UK-1992)

5 songs of melodic "electro-prog-psych-goth metal" on this tape by this English band, the recording is very good and the tape came out on Hunt Music which seems to be their own label.
I am not sure if they released something else.

click me 

Friday 14 February 2014

v.a.-PUNK IS ONE ALTERNATIVE(-c90-1992)+ v.a-PUNK IS...NON MACHO DANCING!(c90-July 1992)+v.a-PUNK IS...NOT A FASHION(c60-March 1993)-RESISTANCE PRODUCTIONS-Switzerland

Resistance Productions was a small totally diy and anarchist label based in Zurich first and then relocated to Biel (Switzerland).
It was managed by Fts,Pablo and Laura.They were active from the end of 80s since 94-95.
In their brief  but intense life they  self-released  lots of fanzines(No Sanctuary,Massive Love and more) leaflets and  tapes,mostly compilations + booklets.
Here  I am posting 3 of these compilations with the subject : "Punk is..."
In the one called "Punk is One Alternative" there are Pus,Toxic Narcotics,Infezione,In Anger,Deaf Aid,Blurred Vision,Victor`s Hoffnarren,Embittered,Morgue and more.
"Punk  Is Not Macho Dancing" offers us Earth Citizens,Forca Macabra,Rat Patrol,Alians ,Dawson, War system,Shock Treatment,Blurred Vision,Contempt,Scum,Selfish,Filthy Charity,Agent 86 + more.
"Punk is Not a Fashion"  contains Dread Messiah,Inkisicao,Natch and Nabel,Terminus,Vex, Flagrants D`Eli,Engrained,Chronic Core,Tbs...
All  those compilations were coming out with a small and nice booklet talking about their ideas about the title/subject of the  compilation and then every band had its own page where publishing lyrics,addresses and ideas/graphix..
About the music,well the titles say it all:those are diy punk tapes,you`ll find here a wide range of punk styles:HC punk,crust,grind,oi ...
The recordings have different qualities depending on the band and the  circumstances.Some are very good,some are very bad but  the creators of those compilations  didn`t care much-their aim was to spread  alternative ideas and counter-information.
All the booklets of those compilations are inluded in the folders with the tapes,so you can read more and  get a better idea.
Punk is...too many things together :)
Enjoy it...


punk is one alternative
punk is not macho dancing
punk is not a fashion 

Thursday 13 February 2014

DEFECATO -Crimson Porcupine - (c10-diy-UK)

Only 3 track on this c10 by Defecato!
Artist coming from Norbury,South London and active in the 90s.
1 track of minimal ambient noise and the other 2  of weird noise experiments.No other info about this artist.

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DAS TRAUMA SYNDROM-Hartung (Cadenced Noise-Italy-1993-double c46)

Double c46 for this German artist which name is Herald Gallinis and he did release other stuff using the same name without  the initial "Das" !!
His music is a kind of electro well structured and combined with synth and vocals.It reminds me some stuff of the Legendary Pink Dots and similar bands of the dark-electro-wave scene in the 90s.
The label is Cadenced Noise from Italy which released some interesting stuff during its brief life.
The package is made by the two  hard plastic cassette covers  glued together,color cover sleeve + b/w copies with info and addresses.
Good old music!!!


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