a blog about obscure muzik & graphix,random thoughts and free minds.

Sunday 31 August 2014


Anteurope is a compilation tape released by L.O.M. in Austria in 1995.It features lots of very good bands of that time,
Here the names:Schwerster,Hiatus,fuckin` Faces,Korrupt,Die Schwarzen Schafe,Kurort,Legitime Defonce,Hylkio,Terminus,Social Genocide,Dezerter,Inferno,P.R.A.C.C.H.,Steine Fur Der Frieden,Querulanten,Xumepa.
This tape came out with a booklet including info and addresses of the bands,also there was a separate fanzine with articles and thoughts about the European Union.(the one included here it`s in German language only).
About this label, I am going to attach here their statement.
A very good  compilation for  punx and crusties united...
click me


  1. Hi! Link doesn't work some why :( Can you reupload please?

  2. @Ripys Ripys--link re-uploaded...enjoy it...

  3. Awesome! Thanks a lot! If you or any of your friends can have anything else with that Russian band Xumepa on that Compilation (Like other tapes/posters/photos/videos/interviews) it will be awesome! My email is ripysfacebook@mail.ru ... I also can drop all stuff that i have with them include LP with Steine Fur Der Frieden. Cheers! :)

  4. @ripsy:i tried to send tyou an email it bouced back...anyway check this
    and this
