a blog about obscure muzik & graphix,random thoughts and free minds.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

v.a.-As The Animals Die-(Gurteltiertapes-Switzerland-c90-199?)

Fourth release by this small Swizz tape label called Gurteliertapes managed by Pille Weibel in Luzern,who was also a noise musician.
In this c90 sampler we find different bands offering us various music styles:some doom rock,some HC Punk,a bit of noise and a pinch of experimental electronics.Very good recordings all the tape around...
A nice and extravagant compilation.
Enjoy it.
click me


  1. there is missing the first track (A1) in the archive.


  2. ok Thanx Porfil-I re-uploaded it ...there is the 1st track also now...
