Here his own website where you will find all the useful info about him,his past productions,the collaborations and his recent activities
Those two tapes are old and are not listed on his webpage.

"Space Age" is a cassette released by the legendary Audiofile Tapes (Usa) in 1989.
Both tapes bring us his own personal style of writing and producing music and if one might be close to some "summer of love" music of the late 60s the other is instead near to the space rock of certain low-fi movies in the late 70s.
All in all Lord Litter is a weird genius of our time passing throu different layers of counter-culture and crossing the borders of time and space to deliver us a creative and innovative music that stands on its own.
A must for the lovers of original music.
the place where worlds collide
space age
thank you thank you thank you thank you so muuuchhhh