After a decade of
silence, and a dramatic change in life, stratosphere picked up music
again. Using his experience as a sound and recording engineer, his
interest in music creation returned. This time, only guitar and bass
guitar were used, in combination of a wide range of pedal effects.
Simplifying his working method, resulted in an number of new tracks.
Due to the changes in life, a darker side is introduced, but the
typical sound remains. Soundscapes and harmonics are still the base
of his music. So a new era has started for stratosphere returning to
the music scene with a fresh view and renewed motivation.”(from his excellent webpage)
Escape 3 organisation was founded in 1990 and operated
as an independent tapelabel for industrial music for some years. Since a
few years it is mainly a platform for obscure new electronica projects
that deal with the combination between industrial electronic music and
new forms of urban electronica like breakbeats, drum’n bass and technoïd
hybrid forms. We are grouping some acts/projects and promote them,
cause we know you are out there, we know you want it, and we will make
them come to your place. Prepare for it. You want to know about their
releases, want to hear something, want to book them, want to see them,
want to learn more about them ? Just go ahead.
3K7 Records,
Biomechanics Inc.,
Escape 3 Tapes,
Taped Grooves Records,
Videowar 001 Sites:escape3.org
(from a discogs page dedicate to them)
Enjoy it.
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