a blog about obscure muzik & graphix,random thoughts and free minds.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

ORGASMO NEGATO - Verita` Superflua - (Tasaday-Italy-1983)


Orgasmo Negato was a Group from Brianza, Italy. Orgasmo Negato later changed to Nulla Iperreale. In 1984, they merged with Die Form (2) to become Tasaday.(info from Discogsclick me


Thursday, 13 February 2025

v.a.- Thrashing With Your Parents - (Smurf Punk Tapes-Belgium-1988)


Underground compilation on a C90 cassette with many obscure bands from the crypt of the 80s. Smurf Punk Tapes was a small Punk cassette label from Belgium, active during mid-80s. Enjoy this old, fast and loud Punk Hardcore.

:f*a(r^a.w_a)y* click me


A1Misanthropic CharityWake Up
A2Misanthropic CharityMontebello
A3No FraudBest Of Friends
A4No FraudL.I.F.E.
A5Corruption (7)Beef To The Core
A6Corruption (7)Human Fireworks
A7O.H.M. (3)Pakistani
A8O.H.M. (3)If...
A9VirulencePositive Thoughts
A10Leben Und Leben Lassen*Nightmare
A11Guillotine (2)The End Is Yours
A12Guillotine (2)Stolen Right
A13Yugoslav SunBori Se
A14Yugoslav SunI Love You
A15False LibertyToo Late To Think
A16False LibertyCount Me Out
A17Solucion MortalWake Up
B1Guillotine (2)The Edge Of Doom
B2Hate CrewInside Knife
B3Hate CrewLast Violent Tribe
B4False LibertySell Out
B5CristPray For Evil
B6CristSlaves Of Voodoo
B7Bad Influence (3)Kick Out Religions
B8VirulenceSomething Went Wrong
B9VirulencePromise Is Shot
B10Electro HippiesVivisection Song
B11Leben Und Leben Lassen*Violent Society
B12Leben Und Leben Lassen*Another Hopeless Day
B13No FraudAnother Part In The Machinery
B14O.H.M. (3)Wage Earner
B15F.P.B.The Second Leg
B16F.P.B.Stab Your Back
B17Solucion MortalFinal Day

Monday, 3 February 2025

DESASTRE/LIXO - Funeral Na Nova Ordem -(Sin Fronteras Records-Usa-1999)


This split should be considered among the classics. This is some of the rawest and most straight forward hardcore. It does not merely chainsaw your face off; it wears it too. Desastre's aggression wallops you with every riff and does not strain to keep it all under control; while, Lixo, merely kicks your teeth in and call it a day. It's a tornado of total fucking madness without any shelter in sight! Being sixteen years later, I regret this split not being on top of my list before.(Scratchbrad-Discogs)     click me