This compilation + booklet is great research about the lively Polish punk scene of the very first punk era.A well-done work about the bands and the proto-punk scene from the early days (1976)passing thru the very peak of 1978...
Supreme Echo is an archival record label owned by musician & music archivist Jason Flower. Focusing on rare Canadiana & former Socialist Republics; the Anthropology of Counter-Culture presented at a scholarly level. Its current webpage is here.
The all English written fanzine (all the relevant scans included here) reports a few interesting articles about the early days of the punk scene in Poland + a page is dedicated to each band with its history, lyrics, and pictures.

Enjoy this great sampler and booklet.
A1 | –Rejestracja | Nowa Generacja | |
A2 | –Deuter (2) | Piosenka O Mojej Generacji | |
A3 | –Kryzys | Swiety Szczyt | |
A4 | –Dezerter | Burdel | |
A5 | –Brak (4) | Na Bliskiem Wschodzie | |
A6 | –Deuter (2) | Nigdy I W Nic | |
A7 | –Tilt (4) | Pictures | |
A8 | –Deadlock (2) | Am I Victim Of Safety Pin | |
B1 | –KSU | Zlodziej | |
B2 | –Nocne Szczury | Pulapka Na Szczury | |
B3 | –Kryzys | We're Blazers | |
B4 | –Tass (3) | Jestem Polakiem | |
B5 | –Poe'rocks* | Ufo | |
B6 | –KSU | Noca | |
B7 | –TZN Xenna | Wodzowie | |
B8 | –Kult (2) | Warhead | |
B9 | –Walek Dzedzej | Nie Jestem Tym Czym Ty |
- Design [Graphic Design] – Sami Jordi
- Liner Notes [All Text] – Jason Flower
- Liner Notes [Small Piece Of Information In The Introduction From A Text By] – Piotr Rypson
- Mastered By – Jason Flower
- Remastered By – Erich Keller
Mastered in Jon's room, Berlin.
Remastered by Erich Keller in his vinyl museum, Zurich.
Issued in standard vinyl sleeve containing 20 page black & white booklet with introduction, brief story of polish rock & roll, band bio's. .
1100 copies pressed.
Remastered by Erich Keller in his vinyl museum, Zurich.
Issued in standard vinyl sleeve containing 20 page black & white booklet with introduction, brief story of polish rock & roll, band bio's. .
1100 copies pressed.
Thanx. I m going download LP.I Have vinili of Dezeerter and TZX Xenna and are Great