Tuesday 19 May 2020

LORD LITTER-No More Rock`n`Roll-(Self Released-Germany-1987)

Another great cassette by the eclectic Lord Litter, I wrote about him when I have posted his tapes Space Age and The Place Where The World Collide.
Here a quote by him taken from his actual webpage  where you can read about his history, releases, related projects and his incredible radio shows.

"I started releasing my music in 1984-"the cassette scene revolution" made it possible to record/duplicate/release/distribute from your living room. Whenever I had some songs finished that presented a certain period,
I released them with the help of an uncontrollable amount of small labels- all just there for the music-worldwide.
First on cassettes, later on CD-Rs. I never even tried to make money with my music by cooperating with any kind of "industry".
All in all, I really have no idea how many releases I have out. At the least 40 I guess, plus countless tracks on compilations, cassettes/vinyl /cd."

Enjoy it.

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