Sunday 27 October 2019

Humor Cáustico-Ao Vivo-Gaia Em Peso(2005)-(Self Released-Portugal-2005)

Humor Cáustico was an HC Punk band from Oporto(Portugal) active last decade, I m  not sure if the music and images here were ever released as a  proper production, in fact, Rodolfo(the guitarist) passed these files to me as mp3s on a disk probably 13 years ago, since then I have lost touch with him.
Humor Cáustico appears to be on a very old Portuguese compilation called Portugal Indio that I posted back in 2014, it seems to be the same band. 
In these live recordings, we can listen to 12 well-recorded tracks of furious HC Punk with political lyrics sung in the Portuguese language. 
I add some pics that were included with these files.
A big thanks to Rodolfo for this nice digital gift. 
Enjoy it.
click me 

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