Friday 19 August 2022

JANJIRO-Atomic Generation-Θανφιρο-Ατομιχ Γενερατιον-(Self Released-Greece-90s)

 Self  Released cassette by this band from Greece, I have very few info about them and this release.I guess it came out in the 90s and as music just reflects a certain kind of crossover punk very much used back then. 

Good recording and good music skills, I have asked my friend Ion to translate the few info on the cover sleeve. Here what he wrote,big thank ION :)---Eventally,as this tape seems to be very rare I left these tracks as waves. Enjoy it.

¬f*a^r)a*w^a/y  click me


About the translation that you asked me in the last email, it is almost impossible to do it because although the letters are Greek, that text is very similar to english (something like to write english with Greek letters), but with completely wrong spelling and a lot of black humor. But in any case I will try:

Artist: Θανφιρο - Janjiro (but in Greek pronounce like "thanfiro")
Title: Ατομιχ Γενερατιον - Atomic Generation (but in Greek pronounce like "Atomich Gneration")

Artist: Janjiro
Title: Atomic Generation

-Inner Cover
Track list:
1- Ελεπυαντ Μαν - Elepyant Man (but I think that is " Elephant Man" with Greek letters)
2- Πυκε - Pyke (but I think that is "Puce" with Greek letters)
3- Ατομιξ - Atomix
4- Στοπ - Stop

Info Inside Cover (none of the Greek words info means something in Greek)
Παρολε / Parole (lyrics): Χατ - Hat
Μυσιθυε / Misithie (music): Θανφιρο - Janjiro
Μιξαγε / Mixage (mix) : Θανφιρο (Σαυφ | Πατ Ριχηαρδ)

Βαττεριε / vatterie (drumms): Λε Βαττευρ
Γυιταρε / giitare (guitar): Λε Γυιταριστε
Γυιταρε / giitare (guitar): Λοαυτρε Γυιταριστε
Βασσε / vasse (bass):  Λε Βασσιστε
Χηαντ / hiant (chant): Λα Χηαντευσε

"Θανφιρο Ρεμερχιε Τους Χες Φανς (Αη! Αη! Αη)" / Thanfiro Remerchie Tous Ches Fans (Ai! Ai! Ai!) (I think that is something like the "Janjiro thanks theri fans")

Μαναγεμεντ / Management (Management): -a greek telephone number-

By the way what kind of music is this tape? Never heard about this album or the band in the past!!!

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