Tuesday 9 June 2020

DIAGRAM: A - Diagram: A - (RRRecords-USA-2004)

I already wrote about this American noise project when I posted the tape: Compression And The Process Of Turning Red released by Sound Probe in 1996.
Diagram A is an old project managed by Dan Greenwood who has operated as Diagram: A for nearly two decades. Long before his home, Western Massachusetts had anything resembling an active noise scene, Greenwood was altering old telephones, constructing masks and sleeves with built-in contact mics, amplifying tin cans, and fashioning an insular world of noise, obsessing over his own carefully-crafted systems of failure. (excerpt taken from the script  "Matt Krefting writes about Your Object" taken from Diagram;A blog where this is not listed). 
RRRecords is an experimental / noise/electronics label run by Ron Lessard, from Lowell, Massachusetts, USA. Each "Recycled Music" release has handmade artwork. Each is different in some way. Its official webpage is here.
Enjoy it.
click me 

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