Sunday 20 October 2019

v.a.-They Ain`t Seen Nothing Yet!!!-(Nabate-Belgium-1991)

A benefit compilation for the Poll-Tax prisoners (for demonstrating against the tax or not having paid).
The Poll-Tax was a particularly vicious tax introduced by Margaret Thatcher's government in the UK. Millionnaire living in mansion pays less in poll-tax than a low-income family in a small house. No other modern democracy has ever introduced a tax that takes no account to the ability to pay.
The London Poll-Tax Riot took place on March 31, 1990. 

It was released July 7, 1991, at 1548 copies.
I think the DREADFUL song is probably one of the most bizarre tracks Nabate has ever released, not only because they mixed grind-core with reggae-dub. DREADFUL was a combo hailing from Glasgow and was famous for never rehearsing and I think we can hear it on the recording; -b! Nevertheless, I think it was a good idea to do those punk/dub experimentations. (from Nabate blog)

Nabate was a DIY punk/hardcore label from Liege, Belgium. Founded in 1986 by Al Plastic and Manu (29) as an anarchist infoshop/bookstore and operated until 2000. click me

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