Saturday 21 September 2019

Claudio Parentela-Early Works-(Graphics,Mail Art-Italy-1997)

These are some of the early works by the graphic -mail artists Claudio Parentela, I have received them a long time the meantime, Claudio is been very active in the underground scene collaborating with many fanzines, webzines, mail art projects and so a short biography taken from official webpage:  
"Born in Catanzaro(1962-Italy) where he lives and works…Claudio Parentela is an illustrator,painter,photographer,mail artist,cartoonist,collagist, journalist free- lance...Active for many years in the international underground scene. He has collaborated&he collaborates with many, many zines, magazines of contemporary art, literary and of comics in Italy and in the world...& on the paper and on the web..."
His webpage is very well done, and you can check there news, gallery, blogs, collaborations and more, it is here.
Big thanks to Claudio for giving me permission to post these old works.
Enjoy it.

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