Sunday 3 March 2019

HEKATE SOUND SYSTEM-History-(UK-1996/2019)

I have been attending a few fantastic parties organized by this amazing sound system and I have been thinking to write something about Hekate for quite a while now, yet I only had fragmented info and not enough stuff to make a comprehensive post about it.
Luckily I have met Luke Hekate lately and he kindly agreed to help me passing me links, pics and writing an introduction.
Today I am really happy to be able to make this post including some amazing videos about their history and experiences developed in more than 20 years of activity.
Here a very interesting interview to Dan Hekate broadcasted on Resonance FM in 2006 for their 10 years anniversary + a small intro written by Luke and few other great gifts.
I keep my writing short, my gratitude to Luke and all the Hekate Krew for their help and collaboration.
Enjoy it.
Hekate Sound System
A Pan European Art and Music Collective that has been running for over 22 years. 
Originating in London in the mid-1990s as a response to the more straightforward musical genres in the rave scene; Hekate Krew brought their dark, hard-edged weirdness to the party. A stage for experimentation, a place for art and sculpture that went beyond.
Expanding out into art events and concerts and plays the collective was never happy simply to turn up and play a few Spiral tunes, what was on offer was always fresh and varied.

Spending the next decade travelling the wastelands, Hekate spent summers helping run Teknivals across both Eastern and Western Europe.  Plotting up in Spain, Italy and France over the winter periods to do parties and exhibitions.

On their return to Britain, they were involved in the Reclaim the Streets, Temporary Autonomous Art events and Synthetic Circus parties.

Over the years they have run a variety of record labels Coven-H, Hex, Anamonia, Spine recordings and New Skin.

The Hekate krew have gone on to become teachers, filmmakers and even robot engineers. Although their output has slowed down a release on Praxis (No. 57) and Rxstinz is imminent for The Wirebug.

The next Hekate party will be in Berlin May 11th 2019 alongside Menthal and Workin Klass Noize.


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