Saturday 29 December 2018

PISSED PROUD-Pissed Proud-(Self Released-Italy-1993)

This is the only release by this band from Rome, active in the early 90s and playing a raw form of powerful HC punk! They were part of the anarcho-punk scene of the capital playing gigs in squats and spreading counter-information.In this cassette, they assault us with 8 tracks(+ 2 cover songs)of pure violent HC punk with a good recording yet a spartan cover sleeve with very few info.
To complete this post I am attaching here a video of one of their gig in which they share the stage with Oltraggio E Resistenza another @punk band from Rome, they were very good friends and often playing together,both bands had a short life yet they left a great legacy.
This tape and the video are definitely a piece of history of the @punx scene from Rome in the early 90s.
Enjoy it.
click me 

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