Wednesday 1 August 2018

SNOWDONIA n6-(Fanzine-Italy-1989)

Number 6 of this legendary fanzine created by the brothers Pustianaz(Marco and Maurizio) on the end of the 80s.
Both inspired by some celebrated British fanzines. Their aim was to publish long and in-depth interviews and to talk about obscure and not so-easy to define music.
In this issue interviews with Street Ducks(Belgium/South Africa), Potage(Italy), Environs+Inisheers label(Italy), Kryptashesie(Italy), Kalahari Surfers(South Africa), Efetra(Italy),Not Even The Tv(South Africa), a report about South Africa and apartheid and one about the Social Squatted Center in Udine+ pics and flyers.
All those info packed in 66  A4 pages. This is an amazing example of professional underground press with many interesting ideas and messages.
In Italian language,only.
click me 

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