Wednesday 31 January 2018

BULIMIA BANQUET-Eat Fats,Die Young-(Flipside Records-Usa-1988)

Bulimia Banquet was a very unique alternative punk band from Los Angeles and the South Bay of California, USA, who formed in 1985 and consisted of Ingrid Baumgart, Al Hansford Jula Bell, and Jason Greenwood. Dez Cadena,Mia Ferraro, Travis Johnson, Greg Cameron, and Nick Passiglia were also in the band for a period of time. The band put out two albums with Flipside: Eat Fats Die Young and Party my Colon. They put out a single of Curse Me/Replete with Piece of Mind Records and were on numerous comps including flipside vinyl fanzines, and 2 Triple X comps. One was Welcome to Our Nightmare, and the other was the Triple X comp Gabba Gabba Hey. The band was featured in Lisa Rose Apramian's riot grrl documentary, Not Bad for a Girl and as well as a Larry Wessel documentary on underground Los Angeles. They toured the U.S. and Europe as well as Canada and parts of Mexico. They also put out two videos: Curse me and Dine or Die.(from ReverbNation).
I have  posted a live tape with a  good recording by this great band, you`ll find it here.
Enjoy it.
click me  


  1. i seen them in Bakersfield , Ca in 93-94 ? with Final Conflict and local band Tribal Corruption at Bam Bams . Well anyways the club had a about a 4 foot tall stage and during bulimia Banquets set Ingrid fell off the stage and broke her ankle . A bunch of us rushed up to help her because we thought she just fell off the stage , once we found out she broke her ankle we asked her if she wanted to go to the hospital , Nope she wanted to finish their set so we got a chair for her to sit on and about 3 or 4 songs later they started loading up and a couple people took her to the hospital . i remember them doing a highly energetic set to the very end . cheers for sharing this .

  2. @Allen,thanx for this commnet,very interesting indeed
