Sunday 3 September 2017

MOULDY BRAIN-N10-(Fanzine-Italy-1995)

Number 10 of this Italian fanzine focused on gothic subjects: nightmares, poetries, horror movies, monsters, and the like.
In this issue: Victoria Aganoor, Martin(the movie) directed by George A Romero-1978-USA , Cupio Dissolvi(the Italian music project), Bloodfeast (the movie)written by A.W. Downe-USA-1963,Love me Deadly(the movie)written and directed by Jacques La Certe-France-1972, an interview to Marco Corbelli aka Atrax Morgue, macabre short stories and poetries+ cool grotesque graphic works.
A nice fanzine in Italian language only.
Enjoy if you are Italian literate.
click me 

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