Tuesday 11 April 2017

PROJECTO JIL-The Master Plan-(Kadath-Portugal-c50-1996)

3 tracks on each side in this 50 minutes cassette by the portuguese project :Projecto Jil.
Different influeces converge in those songs creating quite an interesting fusion of styles.
It seems that there are various cover sleeves of this release.
A nice tape-work for new age creative listeners.
Enjoy it.


  1. Love this one. Would it be possible to reupload it sometime? The old rip I got from here back when it was first posted apparently had some corruption in the files causing some weird breaks in the music at times.

    1. @ Costanzo-link replaced now,I just listened to this rip again and it sounds great...enjoy it.

    2. Appreciate it! Someone put this tape up on Bandcamp (along with some other ones by him) but it was at a much lower quality than yours, even when DLing the FLAC.
