Saturday 17 September 2016

MUSICA OFFICINALIS-Aqua Mater-(Self Released-Italy-2000)

Amazing cd by this italian band playing classic songs of the turkish/balkan medieval and renaissance music catalogue!
This is a concept album about the power of the water and Mother Earth,the very well done booklet reports info and lyrics!
I am not sure if they are still active,a facebook page about them page is here.
In this cd there is also the preciuos collaboration of Massimo La Zazzera(flutes),musician who started his musical journey in the 90s with The Neolithics and after was one of the founding members of the medieval band Follorum Ensamble.
Unfortunately He passed away in 2010,this post is dedicated to his memory and his great energy. 
To finish this post I am going to attach here the introduction page of the booklet about this fantastic cd.
Enjoy it.

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