Sunday 3 April 2016

THERABAQUD LEIC-Panacea-(Ministry Of Ultramarine Theatres-Italy-c30-199?)

I passed this tape to Vita Ignes Corpus Lignum blog back in 2010.
 I re-post it here including the excellent review by Crepusculum.
I `ve posted another tape by ths amazing project by  Gianluigi Russolo.
(Italian one-man project. Not to confuse with Luigi Russolo.)
you `ll find it here.
Enjoy the pagan ritual all acoustic music/messages.
click me

"Great acoustic ritual sonorism here from this projekt ov Gianluigi Russolo [Subliminale, TV Satanico, S. Biasin Trio..] thee info in thee cassette states: "a coumcept ov natural acoustick sonorites/ only acoustick instrumentation were employed in this sexsion/ dedicated to Pan" it appears that assistance may have been provided by DeviLs G. and Stefano Della Volpe.. though due to thee esoteric heiroglyph-type writing some ov thee information tis a bit confusing..
druides - [sounds like thee recording tis a bit warbly] ritual percussions, flutes, bells, pieces ov metal, wailing saxophone, droning voice, and dissonant bowed-strings make for a strange piece ov esoteric sonorism!!
soltitius - dissonant wailing call and reponse from saxophones!!
ritual-theatro chimico - nice distant ritual percussions reverberate, and later thunder and are met with more dissonant wailing ov sax!! later still in thee piece tis what sounds like nice dissonant/melodic vibraphone!!
-genesis - ritual sonorous flutes evoke a unique atmospere and are joined with shimmering ov crystal and vocal chanting!!
arkanos desvuelos - reverberating percussions and howling voice!!
rex-pansophia - shimmering sounds ov crystal with quiet distant percussion and vocal chanting!!
ana-valknut - beauteous flute with quiet droning atmosphere and sparse ritual percussion!!
Track listing:
a03-ritual-theatro chimico
a05-arkanos desvuelos
(transferred by [[F@R@W@Y]] / review by crepusculum)"

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