Wednesday 16 March 2016


This cd is  difficult to introduce.
It is a compilation created by different squatters coming from France,Italy and Switzerland.All united by the idea/message of The Bella Vita,that means organizing gigs/dinners/parties and activities(of any kind) without asking any money.
Everything free trying to avoid the "God~Money".A message difficult to explain and to realize yet very possible.
It seems very difficult to find any informations on the net about all the artists involved in this cool cd.
It came out with a very nice colour booklet with info and messages by the artists.You`ll find here all the relevant scans.
I am going to attach a kind of introduction about it.A big thanx to Babs for the english translation.
This CD is part of a series of international projects – Bella Vita in Turin, Voultigeur in Paris and Boulan in Geneva – whose aim is to eliminate money from our relations as much as possible. We’ll start with the closest relations but we don’t want it to remain a practice limited to a group of friends; on the contrary we want it to overflow, expand and involve more people. We can do it. We already did public outings like food sharing in the streets of Turin’s city centre and in Geneva, drinks and itinerant concerts in Paris, where people were invited to participate without taking their purses out.  Everyone offers what they’d like to find with no refund or volunteering duties. Participation has to be ever more subjective, spontaneous and creative. Everyone has to decide how to get what is needed, legally or illegally, it doesn’t matter. Of course this is no revolution, and goods continue to circulate and Swiss banks don’t care about chocolate. This is passion that hits at the core, it’s the elimination of customers who consume, pay and at the very best go away without pissing it off; it’s the elimination of Club Med’s organizers and Fantozzi-like accountants; it’s a possibility to participate fully as protagonists. Above all it’s a more liveable way to be together. It’s not Christian charity because there’s no God’s apostle who gives while all sorts of louses take the impossible. It’s not leftist welfare for the proletarian class without income claiming the right to partying. There are no rights or duties. If there’s no money this can be sorted out in another way, just look around and take things where there are plenty of them. Not only on Saturday night’s parties, each and every day is better.
This CD is a gift. It’s not for purchase in shops nor is it for sale in underground milieus. It’s a proposal that wants to create a thousand others between people in affinity who want to be free, who don’t wait for the revolution to satisfy their itches.
Che Guevara never existed. Man has already gone to Mars.          

The music evolves into areas such as ska,punk,folk,swing,jazz and more undefined music genres giving this piece of plastic a great sense of freedom.Great graphic works and cool writings too.A piece of history of the international european squatters movement.
Enjoy it.
click me 

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