Saturday 9 January 2016

ASHES TO ASHES-Museum Of Dust-(Incense-France -1994)

This is what I believe to be another project by Cyril Herry,also involved in Exotoendo, Lecanora, Ninth Desert.
I guess this is the same artist behind Anywhere Out Of World compilation and the fanzine Le Journal Des Ruines.
This tape contains some symphonic dronish/atmospheric music.
There are 5 different tracks listed in the cover sleeve, but the music itself is just one long piece; so I decided  not  to cut it, but I left it as one "21 minutes flow" of piano/organ symphonic goth-like stuff with noises of pouring water and some vocals. The cover sleeve is in part made of wall paper and has a very nice small picture on the front.
It was recorded in Lausanne(Switzerland) on May 1994.
Enjoy it.
click me

Track listing:

A1 Imperturbable Stiches Of Time
A2 The Diverted Device
A3 The Great Theatre Of Decrepitude
A4 The Long Experience
A5 Damage Melody / The Last Elegy

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