Saturday 19 December 2015

LA FURIA-Por Algo Mas Que Por Gusto-(El Lokal-Cassette+Fanzine-Spain-1993)

La Furia is the result of a simple, two years long association between Taller de So of the Escuela de Telecomunicacions, El Lokal and musicians-collective of Euskadi, Valencia, Villena and Cataluña.
Our enthusiasm and effort throughout this period, you have captured right under your nose: an hour of music and the time that you want to spend reading the lyrics and the tirades that we have taken the time to write.
Just remember or learn, if you did not know that this tape is not fed to the Sociedad General de Autores (SGAE) - that which appears on the labels of records and in a well visible on the tapes - , or the the Depósito Legal, also does not pay IVA for editing and only move strictly non-commercial channels.
Ah!, if ever there are benefits, you already know to whom they are intended.
El Lokal-Distribuidora -

The Recording.
El Taller de So, was born 12 years ago at the initiative of a group of students of the Escola de Telecomunicacions in Barcelona, moved by the interest in music and sound. Based on years we have achieved a minimum of material that allows us recording demos and the sound system of parties and concerts.
We not move for the money, but the desire to learn and experiment with different sounds and effects. And the satisfaction of listening sound in a small equip, or listen in some Local, phrases or rifts emerging from the guitars, which has passed through our hands. In this sense, this model of La Furia "por algo más que por gusto", has been one of the best experiences we've had, both by the large number of good ideas that musicians and colleagues provided, for the fabulous
environment that developed recording. Taller de So 

All the tracks of this K7 were part of the repertoire of THE CLASH, over the years of his fury (1976-84).
What Do The Clash in the 93?
The Clash were a group that, while it lasted, and knew he wanted to keep the best aspect of the punk spirit: the fighting.
Although soon to stay away (without abandoning) of the musical schemes more recognizable as "Punk-Rock", going for walks along the paths of Ska, R & R, Reggae, Soul or Funk, his lyrics have remained, ever, large doses of rage, social criticism and rejection of the system, which encouraged the early British punk bands and that shook like an earthquake the static, boring, business, reactionary and puritanical social and music scene in England in the late of 70.

Today things have not improved, quite the opposite. NO FUTURE, seems more real than 15 years ago. Social control is becoming more sophisticated, more overwhelming, and most terribly effective. Social inequalities are growing. The Earth dies. The prisons are full. The repression of dissent is the more brutal as comes under the kind of tacit consent, such impunity granted by the parliamentary majority (this past year we have seen how easy it would fall dead, shot by a cop, without complications for the State a statement of the Minister of turn.) So, we believe that the messages the Clash and other punk, launched in the late 70 are now more than force.
For this and because we love your music, is why we took almost 2 years mulling over the idea of ​​recording a tape versions of the Clash in Spanish. Now that the opportunity has been presented we could not resist the temptation.
This you have in your hands is the result of a "passion" musical, along with the claim to promote, support activities and alternative projects (self-managed, non-commercial, anti-repressive, ...), in which we participate directly or support existing or to be created.
That this pretension become something effective depends (as it unfortunately nothing is done without money as well the work and good intentions), the sale of this tape, so you would do a disservice to record it. If your pocket and your brain will allow it, buy it. If not, then do what you want. In any case you enjoy it.

All the info from the  booklet included with the tape and found already translated on a discogs page dedicated to this project.
For all the lovers of The Clash this is amazing,especially for the use of the spanish language.Enjoy it.
click me 


  1. great band
    thank you for comment, cheers from Italy

  2. Sorry, I do not speak English, but here you have it at 320Kbps with a much better sound ... In case you're interested in posting it. And thanks for the blog, this is great ...!kDJ1nZBS!y4VAuVOGicU-cs7CFSTAWP1TkbL_OqnhFN8b7g9r7TU

    Covers & Zine:!0aZDTCCQ!Gx6dFOjEwYLClL82DE37469EBFdMCjzhDZjtZnkUICM

  3. Sorry, I do not speak English, but here you have it at 320Kbps with a much better sound ... In case you're interested in posting it. And thanks for the blog, this is great ...!kDJ1nZBS!y4VAuVOGicU-cs7CFSTAWP1TkbL_OqnhFN8b7g9r7TU

    Covers & Zine:!0aZDTCCQ!Gx6dFOjEwYLClL82DE37469EBFdMCjzhDZjtZnkUICM

  4. at carlos...thanx good to know that there is a better files...i might re-post it ...
