Saturday 14 November 2015

DF. Dismadre-Numero Especial-(Fanzine-Mexico-2000)

This is a special number of  BsAs Desorden called, in fact, DF Dismadre,(referring to Mexico City)a fanzine of comic drawings and punk info published by Max Vadala. I spoke about him when I posted the split tapes Terror Y Miseria/Ruido E Ideas and  Sovredocis/Sopa De Garron 
In this blog you`ll find info about Max graphix works and fanzines + @punk bands from Buenos Aires.
This fanzine was instead published in Mexico when Max was travelling there to take part to the 2nd international anarcho-punk meeting.
It does include few nice drawings and comics + interviews to various activists of the international punk scene.
Only in spanish: Disfrutalo.

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