Monday 30 November 2015

UP TO DATE-Nasci,Lavora,Muori-(Self Released-Italy-1994)

UP To Date is another band from Torino,a city with a very lively HC Punk scene in the 90s.
They play a fast and furious HC punk with political lyrics.This demo was recorded at Acqualuce Studio and the recording is very good.
Powerful  guitar riffs, violent screams and  fast drums make this 8 tracks cassette a little jewel for the HC punk lovers around the world.
A discogs page about them is here.
Enjoy it.
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Sunday 29 November 2015

CULVER/ENIGMA ANALOGICO-Split Tape-(Cadenced Noise-c60-Italy-1997)

Another splt tape with  Lee Stokoe aka Culver,I already posted the split tape with Onco,the one with Cefodie  and with E.H.I.
This tape is shared with the ghost collective E.A. a project covered in this blog many times.
I  wrote already about this label :Cedenced Noise  was managed  by  Mario Pota writer and singer in Rudy e Crudy and Bandiera dell`Odio.
Enjoy the weird noizzz.
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Saturday 28 November 2015

THELEMA-Adonai-(Self Released-Holland-c46-1987)

A tape and a project which I don`t know much about:Thelema.It seems to have some spanish influences (at the least in the songtitles) yet the address of reference is in Holland.
He plays a nice and dark form of electro industrial with some goth passages.
Very good recording and few info on the cover sleeve.
Enjoy it.
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Friday 27 November 2015

v.a.-A Message From Camp Sunshine-(Red Mist Tapes-c60-UK-1985)

Very old international compilation featuring HC punk bands from Spain, West Germany, Canada, Sweden,England and Holland.
Red Mist Tapes was a little DIY punk label from England, releasing mostly tapes.
My copy is a re-issue by the Italian distro Edizioni Storie Tese.
The various  recordings  are ok, thinking that this was totally DIY.
If you are into old school Hc Punk you`ll love this one.
Enjoy it.
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A1 Anti-Dogmatikss El Modelo De Español
A2 Maniacs (3) Violence
A3 Maniacs (3) Greneda Today (Tomorrow The World)
A4 Chronic Submission Chronic Submission
A5 Rövsvett Makt
A6 Rövsvett Heroin
A7 Ceresit* Pancho
A8 Post Mortem (4) Asylum
A9 Black Vampire Nothing Else To Do
A10 Black Vampire Virgins Blood
A11 Anti Heroes All We Want
A12 Funeral Oration (2) Hell-Age
A13 Ad Nauseam (2) Who Are You?
A14 Ad Nauseam (2) Nausea
A15 The Fiend Weird Boy
A16 Bluttat The Grass
B1 Anti Heroes Media Control
B2 Chronic Submission Modern Hell
B3 Chronic Submission Bad Trip
B4 Black Vampire Family Disaster
B5 Post Mortem (4) In For The Kill
B6 Post Mortem (4) TV
B7 Rövsvett Oskyldiga Människor
B8 Funeral Oration (2) Kill Kill
B9 Funeral Oration (2) Sacrificed
B10 Maniacs (3) Victim Of The Night
B11 Anti-Dogmatikss Estado De Caos
B12 Anti-Dogmatikss Campos De Cruces
B13 Ad Nauseam (2) Aint Gonna Be No Peace
B14 Ceresit* Kraft Durch Bier
B15 Ceresit* Korn
B16 The Fiend I.R.A

Wednesday 25 November 2015

HEAD N4-Freedom & Gender-(Magazine-UK-1994)

This is a magnificent  radical magazine,more than 120 pages A4 size full of very interesting articles.A body of work very impressive.The graphic layout is very good,printed in offset b/w this big magazine offers us lots of different topics and artworks.
Reviews of books and music,interviews with bands and artists,graphic novels and comics,flyers,adverts from the underground world of the zines and the @press.Articles about pornography,rights of the prostitutes,feminism,body piercings,gender & freedom,ethnic cleasing,mail networking and more related stuff.
If you are into  underground press this is for you:amazing. 
Enjoy it.
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Tuesday 24 November 2015

ILLUSION OF SAFETY-In 70 Countries-(Complacency-Usa-c40-1989)

I imagine that most of the people following this blog knows already this amazing american project by the artist:Daniel Burke ,for the ones who don`t here an intruduction from discogs:
Since 1983 Illusion Of Safety has been the ongoing project of Daniel Burke, working alone and with various collaborators. They have released over 20 CDs on labels such as Complacency, Die Stadt, Experimedia, Odd Size, Silent, Soleilmoon, Staalplaat, Tesco, and Waystyx, and played over three hundred concerts in Europe and North America. IOS' work has been called ambient, post-industrial, electro-acoustic, noise, sound collage, improvisation, and power electronics, but they are unwilling to limit their work to any given style or method. The sonic character and affective substance of the music will often shift abruptly within each recording and live performance.
Current position
Daniel Burke is currently working with conventional instruments, electronic synthesis, computer composition, samples, and highly amplified handled objects. He uses improvised and composed structures containing material that confounds memory and stimulates perception. The resulting music encompasses broken sound, disturbed ambience and unfiltered beauty that collectively evokes an awareness of the ineffable.
The work activates modes of perception to facilitate direct access to the psyche, emotions, and the infinite in order to address the necessity of balance and the nature of dichotomy. 

Illusion Of Safety is still very active and you can check  his  cool webpage here where you can read about the latest productions and collaborations,history,reviews etc etc...
Complacency  is the home label for the collective of artists named Illusion of Safety and for other side-projects,a discogs page about it is here.
Enjoy it.

Monday 23 November 2015

TORQUEMADA-Zona D`Ombra-(Mulino Nero Autoproduzioni-Italy-1998)

This is the demo of Torquemada:Hardcore band from Torino(Italy) pre-Angusta Taurinorum.
12 tracks of furious HC Punk sung in Italian,mixing  personal and political lyrics with fast guitar riffs and powerful drums. 
Mulino Nero was a diy hardcore label from Torino active on the end of the 90s.
Enjoy it.
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Sunday 22 November 2015

v.a.-EMBRYO-(Sepulkrales Katakombes-Belgium-C60-1993)

Another great sampler edited and distributed by Sepulkrales Katakombes. Industrial, noise, electronic, ambient, minimalistic tape label from the 90's run by C-drík now running the label Syrphe.I spoke already about this label and Cedrik too.
This is an old compilation and it is full of very good artists mixing here a good selection of noise, industrial, ambient and more weird electro goings.
Enjoy it.
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A1 Didier Paris Untitled
A2 Das Kombinat Kopf KZ
A3 Crno Klank* Factorylife
A4 Imminent Starvation Archive II
A5 A Place Apart Restricted Area
A6 Kriegbereit Fifty Years Ago
A7 Deleted Sangles
A8 D.S.I.P.* Pelargonium (Remix)
B1 Sphinx (7) Flight Vortex 5
B2 Xøn. Xêkhäl Xøn. Xêkhäl
B3 Globuleux La Forêt Sacrée
B4 Cult Goes Culture / R.U.P. Tour Of Duty
B5 Coitus (3) Break Out
B6 M.E.3 Die Darkside
B7 Axiome Axiome 111 (Thalle)
B8 Collapse (5) Deepen
B9 Ultra-Moderne My Electric Mistress (Part 1)

MOLOTOV COCKTAIL-Molotov cocktail-(Self Released-Usa-199?)

Molotov Cocktail is an international political HC / Punk band with members from N.Y/Bucharest, Barcelona and Germany.[from Last Fm]
This cassette seems to be their first demo and it is not listed on a discogs page dedicated to them.
Molotov Cocktail were a New York City band that have since moved to Romania where the brain child and singer of the band is from.[from youtube]
They are still active and here you`ll find their own webpage where you can check the latest news,reviews,pictures and more stuff.
Enjoy it.
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Saturday 21 November 2015

WORKING KLASS NOIZE-Collective/Label-(UK-2015)

I first got to know this collective/label when I went to a gig/event organized by them a few years back. At the time I thought it was just a name for a noise event held in few squats every now and then in London(UK).
After getting to know Mapo and Sabba I  did discover that this is actually a collective and a label too.
The tape pictured here It is only one of their many productions, as for an introduction I gonna just use their own as It  defines very well what they are aiming at :
 "WKN- workin'klass noize is a group based in London and focused on the production of DIY counter-cultural material, from radical electronic music/noise to xylographic. Its main goal is unconditional resistance to capitalist mass culture; its perspective is the destruction of the barriers dividing genres/subgenres typical of the hierarchical idea of separation; it also aims at (re)constructing a network of free horizontal exchanges between submerged mutant individuals, and at inciting the rhizome-like connections between realities that operate in audio-visuals in a critical manner." 
I can only suggest you all to visit their blog here where you can check amazing graphix works and go to their bandcamp page to  know all the artists involved in this cool label and their nice tape productions.
Enjoy it.

Friday 20 November 2015

v.a.-All That Your Life Needs!!!-(Glittoride+Contaminated Productions-Italy-c90-1996)

"This compilation was a co-production between H.S.S.G Glittoride and Contaminated Productions. 
In 1995 Giulo from Glittoride invited Raff of Contaminated Productions to work on a special compilation tape of industrial music. His idea was to fuse poetry and music. He wanted to combine one poem with one song from each industrial act. After attempting this: he did not manage to reach this result, but Giulo and Salvatore managed to assemble a nice booklet with poetry in Italian, and translated in English mixed up with graphix of the bands involved. The cover sleeve was a colour copy with art-work by Giulio. All the booklet was in b/w photocopies(everything is included here as pdf copies).
About the music: this tape is filled with unknown acts from the 90s exploring industrial/esoteric eletronix and experimental music. Very good tracks included here. The whole project was compiled and assembled by Giulio with the help of Salvatore. Contaminated Prods eventually took part in the distribution of this tape, printing no more than 50 copies. I have no idea how many copies were printed by Glittoride label. This is for the lovers of unknown bands of the 90s-Enjoy it.-"
(from Vita Ingnes Corpus Lignum blog)

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 Track listing:

a01-SOLANACEAE TAU-phalanx der pfalzer
a02-SOLANACEAE TAU-what`s the lifetime of your lifestyle
a04-A.U.V.A.-headmovie III
a05-A.U.V.A.-headmovie V
a06-BLASTFUL SILENCE-this is mine
a07-FEAR MOVEMENT-energieverlust
a08-M. NOMIZED-whales industry
a09-DAS CELLAR LOOH-das movenlied(live version-Oct. 93)
a10-DAS CELLAR LOOH-das movenlied (remix II)
b02-PREMATURE BIRTH-violent children
b03-LUNUS-inter faces at urinam
b04-DE VERMIS MYSTERIS-violentia ex nihilo
b05-BRANDELLI D`ODIO-esalazione mistica I
b06-BRANDELLI D`ODIO-esalazione mistica II
b07-OKINIWA FUMIHIRO-extract from 20% perform
b08-M. NOMIZED-leukaemia
b09-WESTLAND-sous le pont mirabeu
b10-ETAT DES STOCK-one day
b11-PERVAS NEFANDUM-liberaci dal male

Thursday 19 November 2015

KOSTAS D.LARY-One Offs-(Matching Head-UK-c10-199?)

Weird experiments on acoustic instruments in this tape by this unknown artist with this strange name Kostas D Lary! 2 long tracks, about 8/9 mins each,1 on each side- full of crazy yet peaceful passages that soothe the mind and the soul(if you can get the right vibes).
I already spoke about this amazing label quite a few times now as I posted lots of tapes released by Matching Head: Label run by Lee Stokoe.
Beautiful hand-painted colour cover on a xerox copy.
Enjoy it.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

v.a.-El Punk No Esta Muerto,No!-Vol. 1-(Discos Y Cintas Denver-Mexico-1992)

Volume 1 of this nice compilation including old anarcopunk bands from Mexico!!!Good recordings + colour cover sleeve.This label seems to be  still  active - a discogs page about it is here, yet this compilation is not listed on that page.
A special old gift for the punx into Hardcore sung in Spanish with political lyrics.
Enjoy it.
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Tuesday 17 November 2015

WHIP-Untitled-(Self Released+Free Side Factory-Italy-1994)

Whip is a duo formed by D. Pagliero and D. Brusaschetto.Daniele Pagliero was involved in those bands: All Scars Orchestra, Babelis Project, Frammenti, Ipersensity, Setoladimaiale Unit, while Daniele Brusaschetto in all those acts  All Scars Orchestra, Diononesiste, Ich Niente, Mudcake (2), Nerocapra, Switch Off (2).
I posted a cd by Diononesiste you`ll find it here. A split cd with All Scars Orchestra is here.
Whip plays a nice form of noise rock touching some electro industrial with programmed drums and effects on the vocals.Daniele Brusaschetto is still very active as solo artist,here all the links:
Daniele Brusaschetto Official Site
Daniele Brusaschetto on SoundCloud
A nice tape of old genial experiments.
Enjoy it.

Monday 16 November 2015

NAGASAKI FONDUE-untitled-(Self Released-Usa-199?)

Nagasaki Fondue uses random doses of found sounds, radio transmissions, media samples, harsh noises + sub\ambient static resonances and the like to explore the effect of electromagnetic biomechanical manipulations on human subjects, time and space.This tape came out in the beginning of the 90s, and I have no idea how it was distributed, nor how many copies were printed. The cover sleeve is infoless- just the name of the artist and a picture of a child with perhaps some sort of radioactive sickenss. As for the music this is great industrial noise with lots of good samples and found sounds. I have little info about this project, but the tape is GREAT, and yes it is a long one.
I guess longer than a C90 and it has been out of print for quite a while now. Anybody out there with some info about Nagasaki Fondue please use the comment section to let me know more...

DRAPE EXCREMENT-Sic Transit Gloria Mundi-(Art Konkret-Germany-1993)

Drape Excrement is the German industrial & noise project run by Markus Kropfreite.The mastermind of this cool label Art Konkret :a very old label  founded in the year 1992 by the members of Söldnergeist and Drape Excrement. In the Label history ART KONKRET released about 40 CD, LP or tapes.It is still alive and kicking,go here to check their good webpage.  
Drape Excrement captures sounds of agony and inner torment, of madness and glorious insanity.A great mix of horror powerelectronics and noise joining dark ambient atmospheres with angry vocals.
A very nice tape work for industrial music lovers.

Saturday 14 November 2015

DF. Dismadre-Numero Especial-(Fanzine-Mexico-2000)

This is a special number of  BsAs Desorden called, in fact, DF Dismadre,(referring to Mexico City)a fanzine of comic drawings and punk info published by Max Vadala. I spoke about him when I posted the split tapes Terror Y Miseria/Ruido E Ideas and  Sovredocis/Sopa De Garron 
In this blog you`ll find info about Max graphix works and fanzines + @punk bands from Buenos Aires.
This fanzine was instead published in Mexico when Max was travelling there to take part to the 2nd international anarcho-punk meeting.
It does include few nice drawings and comics + interviews to various activists of the international punk scene.
Only in spanish: Disfrutalo.

Friday 13 November 2015

KARCERAL FLESH-Le Sourire T.D.M.-(Biotope Art Organization-UK-C60-1994)

Another great tape by this amazing French Project.
Karceral Flesh is the solo projec of Franck Kervizic mixing   minimal weird electronics,harsh industrial, nasty lyrics with restrained percussive passages of deranged fantasy. Very good recording and color cover sleeve.A discogs page about him is here.
 I  already spoke about this amazing label
Biotope Art Organization,tape-label born in Southern Italy 
and then relocated in UK.There are many productions in this blog by this cool label,all very good.Enjoy it.

Wednesday 11 November 2015


13 tracks captured in a professional studio-recording on this demo by the spanish punk rockers Cannibales.They sing in spanish and play HC punk touching the punk rock and the oi fiittng few guitar solos in their songs.
The cover sleeve has a nice graphic layout with pictures,lyrics and lots of info.
A very good tape-work.
Up  the punx...

Tuesday 10 November 2015

ELFO ATOMICO-Pestilentia Urit Urbem-(Cat Killer-Germany-c60-1994)

Another tape by the E.A. ghost collective,project covered in this blog quite few time now.I also already wrote about this german label  as I posted quite few tapes released by this amazing label managed by Carsten Vollmer.
Here I am re-posting the same info that I passed to Vita Ingnes Corpus lignum blog.
Enjoy it.
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"Carsten From Cat Killer released this tape-work in 1994. There were only 2 long tracks running pure noise death industrial. Only two people worked on this project. The art work on the cover was made by RAFF, and then re-elaborated by Carsten who printed a limited edition of 93 copies. Each came with a slightly different cover; depending on how he was cutting the two colour copies to set up the cover sleeve. For this project E.A. means Atomic Elf."

Track listing:
Sickness Side
A Untitled
Death Side
B Untitled