Tuesday 27 October 2015

THIRD WORLD PLANET-World Waste-(Pulp Mill+Break Even-Canada-c30-1995)

Great and short yet very intense  cassette by this Canadian outfit playing very extreme Hc punk mixed with powerviolence,screams and fast drums.Third World Planet was a powerviolence duet from British Columbia, Canada. TWP was the music vehicle of Eric Boros (guit noise) and Jason Flower (percussion) plus some guests,they started in 1995 and ended up around 1999, they released several ep's,splits,flexi's, tapes and their final release was the "Old white men-discography" lp. This is another band in which Eric Boros, the genius guitarist of  Vialka. played during the 90s. 
I already posted a couple of tapes by him as Hermit: here and  here.
Eric Boros has been immersed in the global underground for the better part of the last twenty years. He is a self-taught guitarist, experimental multi-instrumentalist, improviser and composer, cassette archivist and performance artist, curator and networker, photographer, and translator. With a focus on trans-cultural and interdisciplinary collaboration, he has established connections with artists from around the world and off the beaten path, crossing the borders between art, music and noise. 
You`ll find his extensive discography here. 
Enjoy it.

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