Wednesday 30 September 2015

CHUMBAWAMBA-13 Brani Inediti Benefit Per La Liberazione Animale-(Decanale-Italy-1992)

Chumbawamba is a very famous band and it doesn`t need an introduction here.You`ll find lots of info on the net,a wikipedia page about them is  here and their well done webpage is here. 
This tape is not listed on the discogs page dedicated to them,it was benefit for an Italian group of  the Animal Liberation Front.
It came out with a small booklet attached to the cover sleeve where you`ll find the lyrics and info about those 13 unreleased songs + an introduction about the court case against this ALF group.
Enjoy it. 
{This rip is been revisited and corrected-it is much better now.(12th January 2016)}
click me 



  1. La velocità mi sembra troppo lenta .... mi ricordavo i brani molto più veloci

  2. @ marco>anche a me sembrano piu` lenti,cmq sono degli inediti ergo forse sono proprio cosi ma per averne la certezza dovrei trovare un altra copia di questa cassetta...

  3. Hi, do you have physical or digital copies of these tapes to share? I been looking for them on the Internet without luck:
    Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!

  4. hello Professor Ignorante,I might have a physical copy of the live at el PAso,I need to double check this,it will take a very long time,sorry...

    1. hey! just reminding you about this tape in case you forgot

    2. yes-i double checked it a few months ao and i forgot to send a message here-I don`t have these tapes,hope you wll find them somewhere else-good luck with it
