Tuesday 4 August 2015

v.a.-ARRAGGIATI-(cd-N.A.D.A. Tien`A`Ment-Italy-1994)

Arraggiati:it is a neapolitan word meaning Very Angry!It  was an interesting  and totally diy project realized by 8 Neapolitan bands in 1994.It was half recorded in the social squated center Tien` A` Ment!
I spoke about this place when I posted another compilation, the tape Cellulaprima.
The first 9 tracks of this cd are actually classical neapolitan songs remakes by those  very good bands, while the others are original tracks by the same bands.
It came with a nice booklet where you`ll find info and contacts with those artists and their lyrics too.
It was self funded by the bands  themselves whom organized fundraising concerts in this famous squat.
To know more about N.A.D.A. project I am inviting you to read their messagge written both in italian and english down here.
Enjoy it.
click me 

1 CP/01 Contropotere* Masaniello 3:34
2 Psicorami Lager E 'A Canzone' E Napule 3:10
3 PrimoFuoriCorso Ricciulina 4:20
4 Cyb Funiculì, Funiculà 3:26
5 GroundZeroNoise 11 Mis 'E 29 Juorne 3:26
6 Von Masoch M'Aggia Curà/Capri Mix 6:00
7 Handle, The Catarì 3:59
8 Kronstadt (3) 'A Rumba De Scugnizzi 2:17
9 Kronstadt (3) Premonition Sad 3:36
10 Kronstadt (3) How Many Times We Are Dead 2:30
11 PrimoFuoriCorso Ludmilla 4:45
12 Von Masoch Radical 1:47
13 GroundZeroNoise Sweet Line Dream 4:15
14 Psicorami Crisi (Statica Esistenziale) 5:15
15 CP/01 Contropotere* Attacco Al Visus 4:48
16 Handle, The I'm Not Invisible 4:23
17 Cyb Smarrito 5:03

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