Saturday 6 June 2015

Spazio Libero-(Fanzine-Italy-199?)

Spazio Libero means Free Space.It is a short fanzine of incredible collage art-works and poetries.The mastermind behind it is Carlo Rosselli, an excellent multi-instrumentalist and  actor involved as guitarist in those bands:Dissciorda and Ortopedic Quartet.
Recycling and assembling old comic graphix by famous and less famous artists adding few random drawings Carlo creates here  exquisite frames for his poetries.Unfortunately only in Italian language.
Enjoy it.
click me


  1. very nice graphix. do you know if he did any more? can't find much about it..

  2. @pablo-I am not sure if Carlo made other issues of this fanzine,I am pretty sure I have only this one,He is now busy working at theatre actor.he also plays guitar and cello--at the moment he is not involved in the fanzine world.
