Tuesday 9 June 2015

KRZYCZ -Trauma -(Nikt Nic Nie Wie-Poland-1998)

"The band from Polish seaside with monumental, intense wall of sound with screaming vocals, but still leaving space for some transy bits, some calm trumpet parts, some "hit" riffs. They are usually compared to Neurosis and Ambush, but they do their own thing in this area of noise core." from  Last.fm.
 "Nikt Nic Nie Wie (meaning Nobody Knows Nothing in Polish) is the first Polish independent record label.[1][2] The label started in 1989 with the motto "podkładamy nogi tym, którzy nie chcą o nas słyszeć". ("We are sticking our legs out for those who do not want to hear about us to trip over.") Activities include distribution, organizing concerts, promotion of culture and independent music. Some of their releases include: Włochaty,[3] Oi Polloi,[4] Odszukać listopad,[5] Už Jsme Doma,[6] Apatia,[7] Chumbawumba, Crass. The first record issued by the label was Na Własne Podobieństwo by punk rock band Inkwizycja, making it the very first independent record release in Poland."From Wikipedia.
This is their actual webpage!
This album ,with a very good recording and a colour cover listing all the lyrics in Polish with English translations, is a great album for all the lovers of doom metal punk with powerful screamed vocals and dark atmospheres.
Enjoy It
click me


  1. I bought the tape on a whim at discogs and wasn't disappointed at all! I was even more glad to find your quality rip of it so I don't have to bother with that myself ;-) I would suggest that this also appeals to fans of the extremely noisy 'core the German bands of the Bremen scene produced back in the 90s: Mörser, Acme, Carol, Systral,.... or basically any other band that was or is on Per Koro for that matter...

    1. @ Stijfest616--thank you for your good commnent.
