Thursday 1 January 2015

Future Vision 2015 (Thoughts/Words)

As first post for this year that just started I am writing few thoughts that I want to share.
I started this blog on Dec.2013 with the  intention to post as much as possible mixing mail art,videos,music,zines and graphix.
I think I managed to achieve what I had in my mind at that time.
As future vision for this year I see myself less involved in all those activities- scanning old fanzines and converting tapes into digital takes lots of time and at the moment I am busy with other projects and my travels too.To all the people whom got in touch with me via email or with their comments I  can only say I am happy to know somebody out there appreciate my efforts here.
I did notice quite few people are using my original rips (taken from here or from the other blogs I used to co-operate with) for their YouTube Channels or blogs-almost everybody didn`t care to write a note to say where they did find those rips neither a simple "thanx",I would have appreciate one word or 2 of gratitude.
I still have lots of stuff to share but at the moment I do not have the time-Time is the Enemy,as always...
To all the friends who supported me in keeping this blog alive I send you all a very big thanx,I am not writing down all your names but you know who you are.
Until next time...
ps-this  copy art art-work was used by E.A. for different projects back in the 90s.


  1. thanks for the music you've shared

  2. Well, I suppose I should take this opportunity to thank you for all your hard work and imagination. 1000 Flights always has great stuff on it, and I have scored dozens of great albums from here. Keep up the good work, and have a great 2015 however you choose to spend it. Avanti!

  3. to all of you writing comments here: big thanx...I am happy to know some people liked my work here,I will keep this blog alive as far as I can...
