Saturday 1 November 2014

ARKITESI-Demo Autoprodotto-(Self Released cd-r-Italy-2009)

Arkitesi is a project founded by 3 musicians from Foggia(Southern Italy),2 of them already involved in Follorum Ensemble,they offer us a very unique form of folk music flirting with a bit of jazz and swing, sort of reminding me some old classic movies soundtracks.
There are three instruments played with bows:a violin,a double bass and a nyckelharpa.
As far as I know they were active for few months back in 2009,they recorded this cd-r completely diy,played few gigs and then took different paths.
To complete this lousy introduction I am attaching here a slide-show from my Youtube channel.In this folder you will find also 3 extra tracks that my friend Gianni sent me as special gift with the pictures included in the video.
Enjoy this amazing and quite distinct music.
A great project beyond  the usual cliche` and labels.
click me

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