Saturday 21 June 2014

BRANDELLI D`ODIO-Carne Di FangAzione (Video-PerfoConcert-Original Recording 1993/94>Final Editing 2014)[New and Unreleased]

Brandelli D`Odio was a kind of open anti-art-collective active in the 90s.
I wrote already about them when I posted the video-performaces:Alarms:Symptoms of Emotions to Come,
Non c`e` Uscita and the track No Tanax.
This is the very first experimental theatre-performance by this band,It was an idea already performed by the ghost collective E.A.,I posted the very first document of this performance:Carne di FangAzione by Estro Assente.
Brandelli D`Odio extended this basic idea to a full long piece of 30 minutes,6 "actors" experimenting live punk music mixing it with  video installations,spitfire
half-nude bodies,original papier mache` masks,dark ambient,mud,slides,painting and engagement of the audience into the show.
I left the original music of the videos and I made a very little editing of those  recordings trying to retain the pure vibes of those shows.
Those videos were recorded at the live show in Pishina Okkupata of Foggia in November 1993,the social Squatted center Labirinto in Benevento in January 1994 and the social squatted center in Avellino in February 1994+ pieces of the show at the 10 days anarchist meeting in Montemarenzo in August 1994.
A very big thanx to all the people whom filmed those shows and passed us those video recordings.
 Although recorded in the beginning of the 90s those videos are completely unreleased and never been edited before, the quality is pretty good if you think about the basic settings of dark lights used during those performances and the video-cameras of that time.

Ispirational thriving force-points are fantasy,rebellion and repression.
I added more info in the video and it has english subtitles.

A very big thanx to Full Slap ,a band of friends who gave us full support while touring together sharing instruments,stages,basic needs and lots of fun,more thanx must be added to all the squatters in Foggia and in the places that we visited,too many to write down here.
A double cd with almost all the discography of this band is still available on radiomolotov blog
here  the link.
Terra Umana helped me in the final editing.
Enjoy it.


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