Friday 2 May 2014

TENIA CORPORATION-Ninna Nanna A Un Bimbo Che Piange(c50-diy-1995-Italy)+TENIA CORPORATION-Tenia Corporation(diy-c90-Italy-1996)-New & Unreleased-

Tenia Corporation was a ghost project by Andrea Ceschin and Marzia De Piero in Pordenone (Northern italy),they were also involved in Brandelli D`odio.
Although recorded in the 90s, those tapes were never released and distributed,I have few more to post here in future.
Andrea and Marzia used to  play and record their music with a fostex 4 tracks recorder and listening to those tapes just for  their own pleasure.
The mastermind behind this project is Andrea Ceschin who was composing,editing and playing all the instruments(guitar,bass,drum machine,samples and  vocals),Marzia was involved only in the first tape and the She draw some cover-sleeves.Their  music is a  creative mix of different styles with a very  personal touch.
You`ll find here lots of  mixed yet well  elaborated influences:electronic experimentations touching the trip hop,swing/jazzy melodies,industrial music,weird pop somehow entangled with dub and more genial whirpools of fantasy`s flows.
"Ninna Nanna A Un Bimbo Che Piange"(Lullaby To A Crying Baby) was composed while Marzia was pregnant of their child,while the tape just called Tenia Corporation  was composed after the baby was born.
Andrea was also playing in Osservazione Stato Reale,I passed their demo to Misterioso Impossivel blog and that link is still on,please go here to download that tape.
I created this video with a song taken from Tenia Corporation tape, please do not judge their music only listening to this song, there is much more to discover in those tapes.
A big thanx to Marzia who donated those very rare jewels to my blog and for all the info about this unknown project.
This post is dedicated to the memory of Andrea Ceschin. 

ninnna nanna... 
tenia corporation


  1. Hola amigo, en serio muchas gracias... la música esta muy hermosa y el saber su historia y como se origino la hace aun mas hermosa.

    Un gran saludo!.
