Thursday 15 May 2014

AXIOME-CRNO KLANK - Split Tape - (C60-Self Released-Belgium-199?)

I passed this tape to Vita Ignes Corpus Lignum blog,that link is dead now so I re-post it here with the  excellent review by Crepusculum. Thanx mate...

click me

"some interesting material here for this split cassette from these two Belgian projekts!!

Axiome tis thee projekt ov Olivier Moreau [Delta Files, Imminent, Imminent Starvation, 2 Be Freak, Ambre, Collapse, The Incredible Three, Myrza, Rob(u)Nent, Torsion, Tricot Trio, Urawa..] & Cedrik Fermont [C-drík, Alien Vegan Sect, D-Drik, F-Drik, H-drík, J-drík, Kirdec, M.E.3, O-Drík, Q-drík, R-Drik, T-drik, V-drík, Y-drík, 9E Phalanx, Ambre, Ammo, Axiome, Dead Hollywood Stars, Elekore, Globuleux, Klank Of Črno Migs, The, Logatomistes, Moonsanto, Tetra Plok, Xøn. xêkhäl, Xingu Hill, Črno Klank..]
all ov thee trackx are essentially repetitive filtered sequencing material!!

Crno Klank tis another projekt ov Cedrik Fermont [see above^] at one point this was a two piece projekt [though if this tis from that era am uncertain/??]..
thee first track: birth of darkness sonicly consists ov slow drum sequencing with pulsating synthesiser and flangy vocals..

nen aktib tanz in de mesto of toth consists ov slow pulsating sequencing with wierd flanged power elektronik type presence which tis met with restrained percussion and distant vocals..

toth cosists ov a fairly similar approach with a repetitive synth line with warbling elektronikx and minimal percussive sequencing..

o zone tis quite a bit more atmospheric [jeje..] with fluttery elektronikx and a snare hit roughly every eight seconds..

genetik consists ov sparse pulsating sequencing with dissonant organ accompaniment and processed agonised vocalisations..

fatalite` tis by far thee most caustic ov thee pieces presented here with harsh sreams accompanied by power elektronikx and pounding gunshot-type drum sequencing!!

Track listing:

a01-axiome 222(pole)
a02-axiome 114(thalle)
a03-axiome 153(magnitogorsk 1932)
a04-axiome 656(triedre)
a05-axiome 356(metamorphoses)
a06-axiome 261(desequilibre)
a07-axiome 365(meteore)
a08-axiome 314(systole)
a09-axiome 666(clepsydre)
a10-axiome 454(les deux infinis)
a11-axiome 616(pole)
b01-birth of darkness
b02-nen aktib tanz in de mesto of toth
b04-o zone

(transferred by [[F@R@W@Y]] / review by crepusculum)"

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