a blog about obscure muzik & graphix,random thoughts and free minds.

Friday 31 January 2014

BOREDOM IMAGES fanzine n 3 + n 5 + n 6&7 (graphix,fanzine,mail art-diy-UK-90s)

BOREDOM IMAGES was a fanzine  created by Ade-L-Vice during  the 90s.
She was into mail art, weird experimental graphix,counter culture and fetish.
As she was describing it Boredom Images was not for sale,not really a fanzine and it was produced every now and again using found images and text.
It was a very nice way to use copy art and mail art at the same time.
She released also a video always for the series Boredom Images and managed few mail art projects covered in part in those small and nice fanzines.
This post is for the lovers of the strange and unknown underground press mixed with copy art,fantasy,rebellion and creativity.
For your pleasure reading.Enjoy those small yet great fanzines.

boredom images n3-n5-n6&7

BANDIERA DELL` ODIO-Discography (demo-1989) Anti-Pasto (mini cd-2004 ) Sangue Vivo (full cd 2010)

Bandiera Dell`Odio is an old band from Caserta (Southern Italy),active on and off since 1987, they recorded the first demo in 1989-at the time they were playing a fast and violent thrashcore that became a form of very original HC punk  as the years passed by.
Here I am posting all the discography of this band and I am adding a short biography that my friend Emmepi8(the singer of this band)sent me for this post.
I am also attaching the video of the last cd where you`ll find lots of pics and few short  footage taken at some of their gigs.
A big thanx to Emmipi8 for his contribution and to Babs for the english translation.


demo 89

anti pasto
sangue vivo

Bandiera dell`Odio Biography
BDO were born in November 1987 from a group of angry seventeen-year olds in search of a space where to shout their anger and dissent…

Born to be fast, they were engaged in practices of self-producing and self-distributing audio, video and paper materials.

In 1989 BDO (Mario, Fabio, Felice and Gianni) recorded their first and only demo, accompanied by a booklet containing the thoughts of the band. 500 copies were soon distributed, while concerts were been played and proposals were coming for BDO to participate in self-produced compilations. In the meantime the band’s sound became more closed and claustrophobic...

The history of this experience was characterized by continuous changes in the members of the band, an experience which continued with ups and downs until 1993, and then ended.

Later some members of the band founded BRANDELLI D’ODIO. In 1995, stimulated by his encounter with young musicians of the blooming (so was it at the time) scene of Caserta, Mario (lead vocals of BDO) took back a line of reasoning which had been interrupted too early. So BDO were born again. There was a new line-up and the tracks were played according to a darker and more nervous vision. Live concerts started again, and in 1997 ‘Nausea Quotidiana’ [Everyday Nausea] - created at the end of the eighties - was recorded for an anti-militarist compilation and as a prelude to a record which had to be issued a few months later…

But the band split once again and each member took roads different from the one undertaken with BDO. Even if everything seemed over, the fire was still smouldering under the ashes, and in the summer of 2003 the band decided to meet for a session with the idea to come back to that never issued record.

With 3/5 of the last line-up and the introduction of a new drummer and a new guitarist, the band kicked off and the thing worked well, with live concerts and the beginning of recording in 2004... But the project stopped once again and what came out was a three-track EP called Anti-Pasto. In 2010 Sangue Vivo [Living Blood], a live recording produced at the CPA in Florence, was issued and co-produced by two dozen completely independent realities, ranging from Sicily to London. In the course of the years BDO shared the stage with: No Means No, Kina, Raw Power, Dirteeze, Zu, Indigesti, Contropotere, Pak, Removal, Contrasto, NIA Punx...

Somehow we’re still alive; the current line-up is the following:

Alessandro: drums

Fabrizio: guitar

Roberto: bass

Mario: vocals


Thursday 30 January 2014

BLINDSPOT-Nutztier-Mensch?-HARTSOEKER-Create your own world-Split Tape (Useless Recs-Germany-199x)

Very fine split  tape production this one by Blindspot and Hartsoeker ,both bands coming from Germany and playing a very fast HC punk getting very close to the grindcore.
A screen-printed cover sleeve+ studio recordings+political lyrics and graphix makes this tape very interesting.
In fact it comes with a split booklet professionally printed where Blindspot explain their lyrics only in german while Hartsoaker prefer to give us info in inglish and they included a nice comic story by Todd Laren  and Mike Cliff(Tipper Gore Toons).
Limited edition of 300 copies.I believe this tape came out in 1995.
A very good one for people into fast distorted guitars,powerful drums and brutal vocals.


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MACRONYMPHA -Naked denunciation of infrasonic exchange- (c60-1995 Noise-Taiwan)

How to introduce Macronympha??? This is in fact a quite old noise project based in Pittsburgh(USA).
Founded by Joseph Roemer and  Rodger Stella. They have been collaborating with lots of other artists during those years on different productions named with this name, releasing mostly cassettes on different tape-labels , they never played outside the States even so they are quite famous all over the world. The music is a personal form of sound-collage of metal-junk looped and remixed to create a wall of noise, quite interesting to me. This C-60 tape came out on 1994 released by the Taiwanese label called NOISE-a very special package of a photocopy on plastic paper and one picture that create a strange layered collage of pseudo-porn macro image.(pictures included in this folder)-It includes 6 tracks  2 of them live recordings from 2 different gigs back in the 1994.I have no idea how many copies were printed by this label with this special package but I know that their own label Mother Savage Noise Production re-released it as tape in 2009.

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Tuesday 28 January 2014

v.a.-WATCHING SATAN -the legacy of Charles Manson- (c90-Hypertonia World Enterprises,Norway-1993)

Great and weird compilation tape dedicated to the music and the words of Charles Manson.
A c90 full of unknown bands re-making  the music of Charles Manson in an odd and personal way,almost all the tracks are followed or anticipated by cut ups of interviews of the very famous convicted.
Sinister Attraction,Seedjoy,Abrahadabra,Neirher Neither World,Zbz,Las Animas,Dr. Maya,Anus Presley,The Apostoles,Anton Balsam,Kevyn Dymond and few more are the artists whom took part in this eclectic and creative tribute to the music of this very acclaimed anti-hero of the hippy generation.
About the label that released this compilation, here you find an interview with JR Bruun(master mind of this label)published on The living Archive of Underground Music by Don Campau.I`ve found  it very interesting.
For the lovers of the international home taping pop artists of the underground world.

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Saturday 25 January 2014

THERABAQUD LEIC-Eleutheria-(Ministry of Ultramarine Theatres-Italy-c46-1990)

3 years ago I passed to Vita Ignes Corpus Lignum blog a tape by THERABAQUD LEIC called Panacea,here if you want to listen to it.
Lately I discover into my collection this other tape by Therabaqud Leic!!!A good friend of mine passed me this one  back in 1991.I cannot find any info about this tape that was released on Ministry of Ultramarine Theatres back in 1990.
Therabaqud Leic seems to be still active or at least its myspace page it is updated untill 2007.
This is the project of Gianlugi Russolo,also involved in Subliminale, TV Satanico, S. Biasin Trio.
Yes the cover sleeve is a bad photocopy but the recording is good.
For all the lovers of obscure ritualistic industrial sounds.
ps-this tape is unindexed.

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FROM NURSERY TO MISERY- Equilibrium-(c46-UK)

Another tape received long time ago from Gina Fear,I completely forgot about it,here a review I did find on discogs webpage:
An odd album - strangely attractive in a naive sort of way. Much of the music on this is a well-meaty synth pop with enough variety to keep you alert & interested, indeed hooked. To compare them, I'd have to say they sound not unlike B-TROOP (are they familiar to you? maybe not). A bright perky pop music, perhaps lacking the edge to make it stand out from other INDIE pop bands. It has a close, bedroom / living room sound, a sort of mellowed SWELL MAPS atmosphere (although they sound nothing like the MAPS).
So why odd? We'll, it's the vocals that stand out from the music & give it it's naivety. Gina Fear cores across with an infant-like-struggle-for-control which makes CLAIR GROGAN & KYLIE sound positively mature. You get the impression that there's more calculation than accident to this style, although sometimes it goes too far. It's almost addictive in a bizarre way. This is one for paedophiles to listen to before sleep.
Originally reviewed for Soft Watch.

This tape was self released.No idea how many copies were printed and when it was released,I guess sometimes during the 90s.
Enjoy it.


Wednesday 22 January 2014

MadWoman Magazine-n2-summer 1991(graphix-fanzine)

Madwoman was a magazine published by SisterSerpents,a collective of women into graphix and  articles about women`s issues.
This is the number 2 of this magazine and it`s packed with graphix artworks,articles and letters of counter-culture and drawings.
Quite interesting and rare now days.
Enjoy it.


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Tuesday 21 January 2014

YGGDRASIL- Lebensbaum demo-(c30-Gerrmany-Darkness Prods,1995)

YGGDRASIL is the noise industrial project  of Michael Krause,active in the mid 90s and delivering us a massive dose of pure noise industrial with this demo,which I think it is his first tape-production edited and distrubuted by his own tape label called Darkness Productions in 1995.
A brief story of  noise madness...???

ps-there is an indexing mistake here-i will try to fix it in future-sorry


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Saturday 18 January 2014

DAY BY DAY- demo(diy-Germany-1996)

Melodic HC punk with political lyrics is the music that DAY BY DAY from Germany offer us!!The female vocal and few rights guitar riff remind me some stuff of  Life But How To Live It and they are animal friendly and vegan.
This is the demo dated 1996, I am quite sure they also released at the least 1 7inch...
A very good demo if you like Jingo de Lunch,Life but how To Live It and similar bands.

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Tuesday 14 January 2014

FIREATWORK-Totally d.i.y- (diy cd-r -Rome-Italy-2000??)

Fireatwork is a project of electronic music coming from Rome-Italy and still active now-days.I did find their blog !It is very interesting and well done,you`ll find there lots of info about this italian project including all the collaborations and the productions that  they released on different labels,they also toured the world touching different countries and sharing the stages with  various artists.Here few lines from their page

"---Experimental/electronic music combo, founded in Rome on 1999
by Fabrizio Rossi and Fabio Recchia

The first step was a 12" released on 2001 on IDROSCALO DIGITALE (an audio/video production powered by Anna Bolena,wich includes also tracks by:VENETIAN SNARES, M.PASSARANI, D'ARCANGELO and others) Releases soon followed on other labels (Cavage, Scene Missing, Synapsivinile, Chairwarmer, Bias Japan) in collaboration with other important musicians such as SOMATIC RESPONSES, MRC.RIDDIMS( ex DALEK ). On 2003 FIRE AT WORK started his label: STIRPE999. Since 2000 FIRE AT WORK manage an audio/video production studio in Rome, inside BRANCALEONE CLUB, wich is an important meeting point for the enternational underground scene in Rome

FIRE AT WORK toured in 

UK (2002/2004/2009);


Belgium (2005/2008/2013);

Ceck Rep.(2006);

Austria (2006);

Germany (2007/2008/2009/2012);

Japan (2007/2008);

Colombia (2008/2009);


USA (2011)

In Rome we performed important festival such as :Electrode,Provocazioni,Exp.on Fest. Since 2001 powering an electronic/acoustic trio called "EXTREME CHILLOUT" and toured with this project in Germany (Italian Culture Fest of Hannover 2009) and in Israel (International Electronic/Jazz Festival of Tel Aviv 2005)."
Strange enough this cd is not listed in their blog!
This is good techno :)

click me

Monday 13 January 2014

BIOFILO PANCLASTA/SIN APOYO -Split Tape- (diy-c30-2002-Chile?)

Biofilo Panclasta was a band from Buenos Aires(Argentina),they play a furious HC punk singed in Spanish with political lyrics and the right stops and gos,ramming speed male/female fronted crust, a dozen songs fly by in less than eight minutes and the intensity level starts at maximum and only increases.The name comes from a Colombian anarchist who lived in the beginning of the last century-Biofilo panclasta.
Sin Apoyo come from Chile and play a form of aggressive and fast HC punk with few guitar solos sometimes.They also sing in their mother- language.
This tape came out a co-production between Illegal Recs,Sin Apoyo and Feira de Cultura Libertaria Valparaiso.
I  am pretty sure that is out of print now!
If you are into HC punk this is a jewel that you should not miss!

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Sunday 12 January 2014

ANOMIE -Anomie- (Ape recs- France-1994)

Anomie was a band from France active from 1994 to 1997.This tape came out on Ape Recs label.
They have out 1 lp and a split lp with Peace of Mind+  one 7 inch.
On 2001 all the discography was  released on cd as co-production  by Spurt  Recs and Boisleve Recs.
They play an HC punk  that reminds the crust and the emo at the same time.
The cover sleeve on discogs is different  from this one.
A very good demo for the Hc punk lovers worldwide.


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Saturday 11 January 2014

MUTACCION GENETICA - carnifuria cosmica-(Dinamita Crisis Ruido-Spain-c60-1993)

Mutaccion genetica is another mystery project-yes I  was not able to find  any info about this band or project,the only 2 things  that I know: 1-they are Spanish 2-They were active in the 90s.

This cassette has 60 songs(wowwoowow)...well the most of them are very very short,and if there are some weird experiments  recalling  the minimal industrial music on the other hand you`ll listen here also  to some strange electro and some stuff more similar to grind core!!!!
Definitely the most structured songs are kind of electro with guitar,bass and drum machine+vocals,but maybe electro is a bit too far from this,well I must say that  I am a bit in trouble trying to explain their music,so you  might just get it and judge yourself.It is a weird yet creative and chaotic attempt to create music!!Imagine Butthole Surfers playing toy instruments under water...or maybe not!!!!
For the lovers of the impossible strange mystery...


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Friday 10 January 2014

AUDIO SCULPTURE-Her heart has been stolen by the golden flame of desire (C40-UK-DIY-199x)

Audio Sculpture was the project of Darren Bentley from England. This was a good name too because his style of sound collage was very thoughtful and organized. Perhaps it was improvised but it hardly sounded like it and it wasn’t always jammed pack with every sound you could imagine. He left a lot of room to breathe on many of his pieces. I believe I may have received at least one other tape from him in the mid-late 1990s. (from The Living Archive of Underground Music by Don Campau)

Very good tape of  industrial  sound-collage experiments here!!
There are not many info on the net about this artist.I believe he`s not active now but ...
Anybody out there with more info??
I really like this tape!!For the lovers of industrial rhythms and dreams!

Wednesday 8 January 2014

RUDY & CRUDY -U` Mafia- (cd-r-diy-Italy-2006)

Here the mini cd by Rudy & Crudy from Caserta,an excellent ska band from recent years.
My friend Emmip8,the singer of this band wrote this small biography.
If you like ska music you will love this mini cd.
A big thanx to Babs for the english translation.

 click me

Rudy & Crudy were born in the summer of 2003 thanks to Bandiera dell’Odio’s former lead vocals (and also 2-tone Neapolitan band Lucky for Fun’s singer) with the complicity of a very young bass player from Caserta.
We started our activity in the milieu of Neapolitan antagonist circles such as Officina 99 and Ska Okkupato, where we contributed to animating their self-managed rehearsal room.
We were interested in practices such as self-production and self-management of spaces and we were also part of the No Copyright collective as we refused to have our songs registered with SIAE. We proposed ourselves as a (completely free) resource for the realities of the movements closer to us, and according to a solidarity perspective we used to go around all over Italy especially in occupied and self-managed spaces without following the rules dictated by the market.  
In spite of this Rudy & Crudy were not a militant band.In the first years the band was made by people having different stories, paths and lives but they all shared passion for music and a strong interest in social issues as well as a sincere antifascist attitude. 
In March 2006 Adriano, Riccardo, Alessandro, Andrea and Antonio recorded and self-produced the one and only CD of the band, which later started frantically changing its members.
As musicians continued to come and go in our band, we were being deprived of the simplicity and candour which had characterized us and we were slowly turning into one of the many bands haunted by the need to have success and make money, a need that badly affected solidarity feelings, enthusiasm and sensibility.  
Inevitably we ceased to exist as a band in February 2012, asphyxiated by selfish ambitions and aspirations to gain.  


BLIND JUSTICE-Self injustice (diy demo-uk-1991)

BLIND JUSTICE plays british punk 77.This demo was self released and I cannot find any other info about them,they sent me this demo back in 1991 to take part to No Legal Murder compilation.
There are 5 tracks on this cassette and it is a good one if you are into punk rock.
Enjoy it *:)


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Monday 6 January 2014

Centrale dell'Arte & Tasaday -Tempo Scaduto (Video-ADN,Italy-1996)

Here an amazing video by "Tasaday and Centrale dell`Arte" I think their introduction on the video cassette cover sleeve is enough.
A big thanx to PuppyBarf for the video conversion from VHS to digital format and another big thanx to Babs for this english translation. 

                                                                    Time’s off
                                                                    Bloom – Mezzago (Milan)

                                                                    Phoenix Project

Identity, exploded subjectivity no longer composes itself in work: work is not a space of existence because existence belongs to the spectacle of consumables. Identity must be looked for in free time, the supplementary time of the work-time, and feigns itself in the mirror image of the consumables consumed in one’s free time.
Free time doesn’t exist in work society.
Free time is the logical continuation of work, where one consumes the goods produced by someone else so that someone else can work too.
Free time is made of consumables, work is the time for the production of consumables. Consumables-time is off.
The society of consumables-time exists as truth along with the meaning it produces.
The way out, the impossible truth produces itself in a quiz, in a dream to be scratched, in the possibility to conquer consumables knowing the right answer, the one and only answer at the right time.
We are sorry, time’s off.
The virtual condition is a wheel of fortune always on the move. The right answer is: stop the wheel.
Time is no consumables, it is desire. The right answer is: free the time from work. Work is a necessity. The right answer is: let’s take control of our lives.

Time’s off.



Contacts: Centrale dell’Arte, CP 73.20047 Brugherio (Milan) - Italy

Sunday 5 January 2014

KING EBU-instrumentals(c30-Ebu`s music-Germany-1990)

Another very old tape!!This one came out on Ebu`s music ,little cassette label active in the 90s in Germany,managed by Carsten Olbrich,who is also the artist beyond this music.
Carsten used all those other names
as aliases for other projects.
This tape is a kind of electro pop made with a synth and a drum machine and then remixed with an old fostex-a 4 tracks recorder very well known by  artists of this era,experimenting electronic music.
Only for the lovers of mellow and melodic electronic experiments with analog instruments.


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TASADAY-BRAINDISCIPLINE-In concerto a El Paso-(El Paso Produzioni-c60-Italy-1988)

Tasady and Braindiscipline: 2 bands active in the beginning of the 80s in Italy and playing experimental and industrial music.
From Tasaday webpage it seems they were active untill 2007,I cannot find any up to date news about Braindiscipline.
El Paso  is a big squat in Torino(Northern Italy) that made history-it is still squatted and alive and kicking.
The recording is pretty good  considering that this is a live tape.
A little piece of italian industrial music`s history.


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Saturday 4 January 2014

SO NAKAMOTO-dissociation-(c46-Biotope Art Organization-UK-1997)

So Nakamoto is a Tokyo based japanese musician offering to us a good dose of hypno-ambient noise on the A side of this tape while on the other side some moderate harsh noise!
4 tracks on this tape released back in 1997 by the amazing tape label Biotope Art Organization!!
Good  no-music for your inner voyages.


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Rare tape-production as 4 ways split tape between Macronympha (Usa),G-hoRSTURZ (Germany), Armenia (Usa) and Bizarre Uproar (Finland)! 2 bands each side.
This tape is a bit of a mystery because there is no information about the label neither the year of release,there is only a statment in spanish saying "the future offer itself uncertain". I think it came out in the mid of the 90s.
About the bands:some of them are quite famous now,especially Bizzare Uproar and Macronympha.
A violent  assault of noise industrial from all of them.
A gift of exquisite no-music.


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Friday 3 January 2014

LORD LITTER-The Place Where Worlds Collide-(1984-1992) [c60 Joukkomurha Productions] + -Space Age- (C60-Audiofile Tapes,Usa-1989)

It is  difficult to write about Lord Litter  because he`s been around for a long time in the european underground scene producing a large amount of tapes+cds, he has been collaborating with  many artists and also he is a very skilled dj involved in few radio stations since long time.
Here his own website where you will find all the useful info about him,his past productions,the collaborations and his  recent activities

Those two tapes are old and are not listed on his webpage.
"The place where worlds collide" is a selection of released and unreleased songs  from 1984 untill 1992,edited and distributed by Joukkomurha Productions in Finland in the mid 90s.
"Space Age" is a cassette released by the legendary Audiofile Tapes (Usa) in 1989.
Both tapes bring us his own personal style of writing and producing music and if one might be close to some  "summer of love" music of the late 60s the other  is instead   near to the space rock of certain low-fi movies in the late 70s.
All in all Lord Litter is  a weird genius of our time passing throu different layers of counter-culture and crossing the borders of time and space to deliver us a creative  and innovative music that  stands on its own.
A must for the lovers of original music.


the place where worlds collide  
 space age

DEADMOCRACY-1996-97-(Criptas Recs-Mexico-1997)

Deadmocracy is a band from Brasil,their music is an aggressive form of grind-core with anarchist-political lyrics and brutal voices-shouts.
I am not quite sure if they are still active.I cannot find up to date information about them on the net,last split album with Hinfamy was released in 2001 on Absurd Recs in Brasil.

This tape came out on Criptas Records from Mexico,probably on the end of 97 or 1998.

Chaos not Music!!


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