Wednesday 29 March 2017

1000 Posts-End of the broadcast?(Words-2017)

This post is the number 1000,when I started this blog I had gut feelings that I wouldn`t have reached  this number.I was wrong!Now I think that this is a turning point.I will probably spend less time working on this blog.It is been a long ride with some mistakes,some good feedbacks and lots of fun,some friends did help me and to them goes all my gratitude.
I guess I should write more but I leave this to you after all some people will read this and have a word to say,maybe?
Until next time.

Friday 24 March 2017

CCC CNC NCN-Suicidio Modo D`Uso-(Nautilus-Italy-1989)

This album was inspired by the book by Yves Le Bonniec and Claude Guillon called Suicide Method of Use released in 1982 in France and translated + published by Nautilus in 1989 in Italy with the name Suicidio Modo D`uso.It was at some point confiscated by the police from all the bookshops.It was somehow too radical for some closed-mind people.
In this vinyl-masterpiece anarchist/dadaist collective CCC CNC NCN presents some amazing old school industrial music with radical lyrics about :prisons,death,life and freedom.It came out with a cool 12 page b/w booklet reporting lyrics and ideas about the subject,unfortunately only in italian language.For who is not familiar with this project here a note from a discogs page:Anonymous noise/performance collective from Torino, Italy. Spawning from the anarchic/antagonist underground scene, CCC CNC NCN combine an extreme old school industrial sound with conceptual records and live shows about unpopular topics, such as suicide as extreme choice of freedom, mass control and oppression.Their myspace page is here.
I already wrote about this antagonist label from Torino.They promote a do-it-yourself attitude and release books, pamphlets, documents and records. There's no copyright on any of their productions.Their actual webpage is here. 
Enjoy it.
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Wednesday 22 March 2017

v.a.-As The Animals Die-(Gurteltiertapes-Switzerland-c90-199?)

Fourth release by this small Swizz tape label called Gurteliertapes managed by Pille Weibel in Luzern,who was also a noise musician.
In this c90 sampler we find different bands offering us various music styles:some doom rock,some HC Punk,a bit of noise and a pinch of experimental electronics.Very good recordings all the tape around...
A nice and extravagant compilation.
Enjoy it.
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Monday 20 March 2017

Zips & Chains n7-(Fanzine-Italy/Yugoslavia-1991)

Excellent fanzine managed by Dario Adamic, made in Italy but all in the English language.This is the number 7 and it has lots of interesting interviews, music reviews, letters...
This is a classic from the very underground press scene of the early 90s, well done with love and passion it remains a great source to research the lively DIY Punk scene of that era.
To complete this post I am attaching here the introduction that Dario wrote for this issue.
Enjoy it.
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Saturday 18 March 2017

HUMAN BEINGS-They Live-(Deviate-Holland-1995)

Human Beings were Allert Aalders and  Bert Van De Grift a very prominent name in the early electro/ambient techno dutch scene.
This album is a great example of hypno/ambient techno, it was released by Deviate one of the most popular techno labels from Utrecht, (The Netherlands) operating as a daughter of Jupiton BV until they closed down.
All their old releases(including this amazing album)are now on their bandcamp page as free downloads.
Enjoy it.
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Friday 17 March 2017

EVIDENCE-From the Heart`s Grave-(Not On Label-France-c60-1993)

Amazing 60 minutes cassette by this french duo(?)playing a theatrical  form of goth/electro opera music,excellent recordings quality and few info on the colver sleeve.
This is definetely for people into dark melodies for cloudy paths towards circles of rising stars and decaying satellites.
Enjoy it.
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Thursday 16 March 2017

v.a.-SISTERHOOD-(Don`t Belong-Spain-c60-199?)

Fantastic c60 sampler with a great selection of bands and tracks,good recordings and interesting lyrics too.The subject of this compilation was Anti-Sexism and it came out with a nice booklet that unfortunately I cannot find in my messy collection of flyers,zines,mail art...
Enjoy the music for now and hopefully one day in future I will post the booklet too.I have little info about this spanish label active in the 90s.
Recopilacion Antisexista desde Xixon.
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Tuesday 14 March 2017

Anti Apartheid Project News 8-(Mail Art Documentation-Italy+Global Networking-1996)

Number 8 of this documentation about  this ongoing project  managed by Boccato Gherardo (editor of The Brain of the Monster zine) and Alessandro Ceccoto of the mail art archive in Adria.

Also here a collection of good artworks by various  mail artists and some news(in english or in italian).

Monday 13 March 2017

DISTURBIO CLANDESTINO-Represion-(Self Release-Mexico-1989)

An old band from Mexico active during the late 80s,they play a raw form of HC Punk,the recording is kind of rough and the cover sleeve is a folded A4 reporting few info and songtitles.
Enjoy it.
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Sunday 12 March 2017

v.a.-Does DIS System Work?-(Punk Bootleg Tapes-UK-c60-199?)

60minutes cassette compilation featuring the Disharge and lots of Dis-Clone bands.This is a full tape of D-Beat: a sub genre of early 1980s Hardcore Punk named after the UK band Discharge. The term is used to describe a number of bands playing in the same Metal-influenced punk style as Discharge with a firm attachment to the recognizable d-beat drum pattern and its derivatives. D-Beat generally has shouted lyrics and is stylistically and thematically similar to Anarcho-Punk.(from rateyourmusic)
In fact Discharge ,formed in 1977 in  Stock-on-Trent (Staffordshire-UK)influenced a generation(or two) of punk bands and this sampler
is here to prove it.
If you are into Crust D-beat HC Punk  then you`ll love this one.
All recordings are very good and there are few lyrics in the folded cover sleeve.Sorry no info about this distro.
Tchupa-Tchupa drums a go-go...
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Friday 10 March 2017

Shag Stamp n4/Duhhh n5-(Split Fanzine-Joint Self Release-UK-1994)

Double fanzine  from the Sheffiled punk scene released in november 1994.
Duhhh was managed by Anthony and it features articles about Vibrators and Dildos by Ms Linda and stress and rebellion,interview to Charred Remains zine, Rev` Randall and Missing Dog Head,lots of music reviews + letters.
Shag Stamp was the personal zine by Jane,I already posted the number 5 ,the Number 6 and her art-zine Hickey.
In this issue a report about Prague and Contropotere(the italian band),gig reviews and more personal thoughts. 
A very good collaboration.
Enjoy it.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

STRAWMAN-Shoot Me Up-(Allied Recordings-Usa-1994)

Strawman was a political punk band from San Francisco. Originally known as Scarecrow (14)
Very personal punk rock with interesting social /political lyrics reported in its nice cover sleeve.
Allied Recordings was a hardcore punk label from San Francisco, California run by John Yates, a graphic designer whose work can be seen on many covers of punk and hardcore records, also known for Punchline, a graphic magazine with sociopolitical contents.
The graphics works on this cd are indeed by him!Amazing stuff. 
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Tuesday 7 March 2017

FleischLEGO-Promo-(Self Released-Germany-1991)

Short promo tape by this german punk band founded in 1989 in Freiburg and disbanded in 1995. They reformed in 2008.
More info(only in German)
A Discogs page about them is here yet this tape is not listed there. 
Enjoy it.
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Monday 6 March 2017

v.a.-The Pain Continues...-(Lethargy Tapes-Greece-c60-199?)

Nice 60 minutes sampler with various bands from around the world.A good selection of tracks with good recordings too.
I have little info about this tape label.Inside the folded cover sleeve you`ll find the tracklist and the addresses of the bands included, some info (in Greek language only) and some graphics works.
A good compilation for people into  Punk, New Wave, and similar music styles.
Enjoy it.
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Sunday 5 March 2017

HEAD N2-(Magazine-UK-1992)

Number 2 of this astonishing magazine I have already posted the Number 3½(Woof) ,the Number 7(the Sex Issue) and also Number 4(Freedom and Gender).
Inside its 124 pages you`ll read an interesting article about the cyber artist Sterlac,situationism,free information,visual pollution,famous banned movies,great graphix works and flyers,Dr Seuss,smart drugs,neuro-bio rhythms,Ralph Bakshi + more great stories and amazing comics.
Enjoy it.

Saturday 4 March 2017

FETT/CULVER-Split Tape-(Matching Head-UK-199?)

Another release by the english label  Matching Head managed by Lee Stokoe.I wrote about this artist many times now posting some split tapes,comics and solo works.
On this tape Lee share the space with another english artist Fett who,also, plays experimental noise mixed with different influences.
A joint effort to deliver muZic to the lovers of lo-fi post-industrial noise collages/creations.
Nice One.
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Friday 3 March 2017

v.a-Destroy The System-(Not On Label-Italy-c90-199?)

This is a very well crafted long compilation with a selection of great Italian bands active during the 90s.The choice of the songs is pretty good and so are all the recordings.
I do not know who compiled it as the cover sleeve doesn`t report any address and I am not sure if it was coming with a booklet if so I don`t have it.
All I know is that whoever compiled this astonishing sampler was following very near the lively Italian underground HC punk scene of the 90s.
If you like furious, powerful, fast and angry HC Punk then you `ll not be disappointed with this c90 cassette.
Enjoy it.
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Wednesday 1 March 2017

v.a.SchNUSIC-(S.C.R.A.P. Records-UK-2001)

Amazing cd compilation edited and distributed by Scrap Records,label owned by 2000 Ds and friends.The official webpage of Scrap records is here where you`ll find info,pics,videos and much more about their cool activities -according to it this cd is sold out.
A bunch of very good artists playing punk, reggae,rap and other  hybrid mixes of rather melted forms of Schnusic:Music with interesting words/sounds + rhythms/messages.
It came out with a cool 7inches size cover sleeve and a folded double A4 page reporting info,lyrics and "straight in your face" thoughts.
Enjoy it.