Wednesday 29 June 2016

DISUMANA RES-Urban Parasites-(EE Tapes-Belgium-c46-1997)

Last release of this amazing project by Guglielmo Lanzilli: owner and founder of the tape label Biotope Art Organization, active in the 90s in Italy and then in UK.
I have already posted 4 great productions by Disumana Res here you`ll find Possession and Trance + The Gorgon and Deconstructed Fields here the very first tape Paroxismus.
 Also in this tape we`ll be transported in a world made of Zone Terrors and Torture Chambers.It came out as limited edition of 100 handnumbered copies.Astonishing sound-sculptures mixing dark ambient and death industrial.
EE tapes is a label covered in this blog many times now,Here a very interesting interview with the mastermind of this superb label Eriek Van Havere.Eriek is still active and  you can check his cool webpage here.
Enjoy it.

* ^

Sunday 26 June 2016

SOCIAL GENOICIDE-Wardestruction-(Peace Punk Records-Japan-199?)

Social Genocide was an Austrian crust punk band active in the 90s.This tape has 15 tracks recorded in  a live gig and a rehearsal session,the recording is pretty good and the cover sleeve reports info+lyrics.
Peace Punk records was a small Japanese punk label  releasing  7inches and tapes.It is no longer active.
To complete this post I am attaching here a slide-show from youtube about their 7 inch On the Brink of Destruction 
released by the same Japanese label in 1995.
Enjoy it.

Friday 24 June 2016

GERSTEIN-Hang The D-Evil-(Hax-Italy-1990)

Gerstein is the personal project of  Maurizio Pustianaz Italian producer and music journalist also involved in those projects:A New Life, Dr Cancer, Infektion Prod., Noisebrigade.
Active from 1984 with the name Gerstein and from 1999 as NoiseBrigade.He is been active in the world of the underground press with his borther Marco founding the great zine called Snowdonia  and then worked for few italian magazines before creating with  Marc Urselli the very good webzine:Chain D.L.K.
Here is official webpage.
Hax is an Italian experimental label run collectively by Massimiliano Gatti (Bekko Bunsen, Lunhare), Marco Milanesio (DsorDNE), Marco Pustianaz (Snowdonia), and Guido Lusetti (Gregorsamsa).
Originally intended to be an outlet for DsorDNE and related material - music, video and booklets - it grew into a larger collaborative effort as more parties got involved after the publication of DsorDNE's debut album È Un Sole.
The style range expanded simultaneously from Electronic, Post-Punk, Experimental, Noise Rock to Modern Classical, Chansons, Avantgarde Folk, Alternative and Space Rock.  
Enjoy it.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Stop Apartheid News 4-(Mail Art Project-Global Networking-1993)

Number 4 of the documentation catalogue for this ongoing mail art project called Anti-Apartheid Project.
It was launched by Alessandro Ceccoto owner of the Mail Art Archive based in Adria(Northern Italy)

In this small zine lots of nice art-works about the subject. 

Enjoy it. 

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Wednesday 22 June 2016

v.a.-Peacedies Deathsucks-(Ö-Productions-Latvia-c90-1995)

Long compilation of grind/crust punk bands!It covers lots of different countries and came out with a cover sleeve including bands addresses and songtitles.
Compiled by Edgars Embergs,onwer of this latvian label,it came out in 1995 and I guess it is quite rare nowadays. 
It will make happy all  the lovers of a certain obscure international punk
Enjoy it.
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Sunday 19 June 2016

L.T.S.-Celtic Core-(Pekor Produkt-France-c60-199?)

L.T.S. or Long Term Survivors is a celtic punk band from France.They combine the heritage of traditional celtic folk (banjo & flute) and add their own blend of dancable punk (drum- machine and heavy rhytmic guitar (SG!)). This band has drawn the attention of many people in the european punk & squatters scene. They are DIY, sincere and talented.They live up in the mountains in South of France, growing their own vegs.They are active since the mid 90s and have released 2 cassettes on Pekor Produkt ,a small french label.Also a cd came out on the belgian label Nabate.
I spoke already about them when I posted the self released tape called simply Long Term Survivors. An internet page about them is here where you`ll find some info,graphix works and free downloads too. 
This is instead my original rip of the amazing tape Celtic Core.
Enjoy it.
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Saturday 18 June 2016

v.a.-The Unknown 14-January 1992-(Rain Tapes-UK-c90-1992)

Number 14 of this amazing compilation series called The Unknown,each issue was coming in a different colour and an insert with track list and band addresses.Lots of bands  playing  punk,rock and new wave.
Rain Tapes was an indipendent cassette label from the U.K., run by Julian Smyth.
Enjoy it.
A1Understand (4) Open Arms
A2 Pull My Daisy (2) Meat Lite
A3 Headway (4) Opinions Voiced
A4 Couch Potatoes (3) New One
A5 Helmsdeep Misery
A6 Strookas* Between The Eyes
A7 Guitar Gangsters Rubber Hammer
A8 Agent 86 (2) Stand Up
A9 Windscale (3) Linda P
A10 Hang Time Rip
A11 Venus Fly Trap Europa
A12 Cry Don't You Feel
A13 Cry I Fell
B1 Understand (4) Brand X
B2 Youth Fed Up Stupid Humility
B3 Headway (4) Proving A Point
B4 Couch Potatoes (3) Tired
B5 Space Monkeys (4) What Can We Do Now
B6 Strookas* Living In The Past
B7 The Guttersnipes Hideaway
B8 Agent 86 (2) Break Down The Wall
B9 Agent 86 (2) Just Say No
B10 Shotgun Rationale Beyond The Rebellion
B11 Cry Too Much Falling
B12 Bananatrash Dub Is In You
B13 Surf City Rockers Never Let Go
B14 Od Jutra Zly Czas
B15 Nuclear Family (9) Satelitte Collapse
B16 Blighted Area Spirit Of Minority

Friday 17 June 2016

No One Knows Anything-(Fanzine-Poland-1990)

No One Knows Anything is the fanzine (this issue in english) made by Michal Hazabura.He was running a distro and a label that became big in the coming years.The label is in fact the polish punk Nikt Nic Nie Wie label started in 1989 with the motto "podkładamy nogi tym, którzy nie chcą o nas słyszeć". ("We are sticking our legs out for those who do not want to hear about us to trip over.") Activities include distribution, organizing concerts, promotion of culture and independent music. Some of their releases include: Włochaty,[3] Oi Polloi,[4] Odszukać listopad,[5] Už Jsme Doma,[6] Apatia,[7] Chumbawumba, Crass. The first record issued by the label was Na Własne Podobieństwo by punk rock band Inkwizycja, making it the very first independent record release in Poland.(from Wikipedia).Here their official webpage.
In this  nice and well done issue  you`ll find interesting interviews to NoMeansNo,Trottel,inkurizycja,Terminus +Czecho -Slovakia report,Green Brigades Ecological paper,Polish punk report.
A very good fanzine to research the vibrant punk scene of the late 80s.
Enjoy it. 
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Thursday 16 June 2016

SOLANACEAE TAU-Transgerman Mind Configuration-(Nihilistik Noise-Germany-c60-1990)

Here another amazing tape work by the mighty Solanaceae Tau  an independent dark wave / neo-folk project from Frankfurt am main in Germany. 
Solanaceae Tau was founded in the early 80ties and  made a lot of  releases in the tape industrial and gothic scene in Germany, Holland, France, Italy, UK and after the departure of their female vocalist they etablished (after a break) in a  new personal structure with the same project`s name in 1998. The musical base is inspirated to the dark wave music from the eighties:psychedelic and EBM  with some of the neo folk / gothic music of today mixed with collages and tapeworks.
The project members are Jason Fretz (guitar) Nicci Harrington (vocals ) and Axaxaxs ( synkussion, keyboards, tapes ).They compose and produce their music in their own small studio with reel tape machines, computers  and virtual and real instruments.(info taken from Soundclick).
Enjoy it. 
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Tuesday 14 June 2016

THE JAPANESE TORTURE COMEDY HOUR/GRUNT-[split tape]-(Freak Animal Records-Finland-c30-1996)

Japanese Torture Comedy Hour was started in 1996 by Scott Hull, Tim Morse, and Andrew Kokes. Other members joined the band later on when they all collectively recorded their acclaimed record "Voltage Monster." Years after, when the band was presumably inactive, Jay Randall released some of his old solo noise tapes under the alias of Japanese Torture Comedy Hour; these releases being the three "live" albums on Grindcore Karaoke. (from discogs)
Grunt was formed in Finland during spring 1993 to create hard audio havoc. Its early incarnations operated with few other names, before settling into Grunt and making the first officially published works. After 20 years of activity, it is still going strong. Various styles of noise electronics are always hammered with such pressure it usually transforms into known Grunt-noise, even if new methods and approaches are added. Various interests, moods and approaches and different kinds of topics has been used during the years. Strong visuals and lyrics are the most well known to people.

Since early days, Grunt has been merely part of international power electronics-noise scene. There has never been desire to attract attention widely. There has never been attempts to be credible within academic noise circles, performance art or modern industrial culture. Nor promote it in media outside the core of noise-underground. However, neither there is clear desire to follow genre restrictions. When invitations have happened, Grunt has been featured in documentaries, newspaper articles, playing together with punk, metal and gothic bands as well as among performance art events.
Grunt is tightly connected to the vision of Freak Animal Records label and has also handful of other forms, what can be understood as projects of their own or simply branches slightly separated from the main project.(from his webpage)
This cassette came out in a limited edition of 75 hand numbered copies  wrapped in a piece of hard white wall-paper.
Enjoy it.

Monday 13 June 2016

v.a.-Swedish/Philippinian HC-(Delirium Tremens-Sweden-1990)

Incredible long compilation of rare and unknown bands playing great HC punk in two very different countries:Sweden and The Phillippines.
Delirium Tremens was a  small cassette label managed by Marko Orava in Sweden since 1985.I am not sure if it is still active,a discogs page about it is here.
Enjoy it.
click me 


A1G-Anx Clouds Of Cancer
A2 F.Z.Ö Lustigt Slut
A3 F.Z.Ö Dödsdömd
A4 F.Z.Ö Inga Känslor
A5 Vansinne Det Är Dags...
A6 Vansinne Ansiktslösa Människor
A7 Vansinne En Tankeställare
A8 Anti-Bofors Skitsnack
A9 Anti-Bofors Bombanfall
A10 Anti-Bofors Dom I Juger
A11 Moses (10) At Helvete
A12 Moses (10) Taskig Tillvaro
A13 Benjamin Fikus Lördagsröj
A14 Benjamin Fikus Rött Rum
B1 Philippine Violators Who Need A Society
B2 Philippine Violators Children Sick
B3 Philippine Violators I'm Sorry (Live)
B4 Infernal Wrath Back To Basic
B5 Infernal Wrath Puppettry
B6 G.I. And The Idiots* Garbage Again
B7 G.I. And The Idiots* Born Against
B8 G.I. And The Idiots* Bury Yourself
B9 Intoxication Of Violence My Song
B10 Intoxication Of Violence Yankees
B11 R.D.A. Violent Dispersal
B12 R.D.A. Nuclear
B13 R.D.A. Paralized Action