Saturday 21 May 2016

v.a.-ONLY INDUSTRIAL & NOISE-(Biotope Art Organization-UK-c60-1991)

Another astonishing compilation by the mighty Biotope Art Organization a label covered in this blog many times now,I have infact posted lots of its productions.Originally located in Benevento, Italy but relocated to London, UK in the early 1990s.It was managed by Guglielo Lanzilli also music sculptor using the name Disumana Res.
This great cassette give us an insight of a bunch of very underground artists playing industrial and noise.
A full colour cover sleeve completes this great compilation.
Enjoy it.
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A1 Alvars Orkester Colour Star
A2 Crime-O-Nautix* Goethe Strasse 13
A3 Brume Rubber Girl Meets Goldorak
A4 Disumana Res Burial Ground
A5 A.B. (4) Our Past
A6 Big City Orch.* Siam
B1 S-Core* The Four Cardinal Humors
B2 Doctor Hector Solo Para Vacas
B3 D.S.I.P* Rape In Kuwait
B4 D. Prescott* Untitled
B5 Flagrants D'Eli L'Invitation Au Carnage
B6 Jan Svensson Vibration Of Mito

Wednesday 18 May 2016

v.a.-You Don`t Have To Fuck People Over To Survive-(Bad Apple Tapes-UK-199?)

International HC punk compilation by this small english tape label active in the mid 90s.Bands included:
The Way(Austria),Pussyrat(Italy),Third World Planet(Canada),Sick Of Society(Germany),Argue Damnation(Japan),Innocent Blood(France),Kirous(Finland),Bullshit Propaganda(Holland),Your Shapeless Beauty(France),Der Untermensch(UK),Bad Preachers(Holland),Brandelli D`odio(Italy),I.R.A.(Colombia),Fregatura(Slovenija),Wasserditch(Slovenija),Groinchurn(South Africa),No Token(Ecuador).
The quality of the recordings is quite different from band to band but overall not bad.Nice Graphix layout by the French artist Stephane.
A good sampler for the HC Punk lovers worldwide.
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Tuesday 17 May 2016

BELLADONNA 9 CH-Maree Haute-(BD-France-1993)

A great duo formed by Michele Coudiou and Agnes Royon Lemee playing a strange music mixing  nice folk/cumbia,electro-pop,country,and new wave reminding me some music for the cabaret and  theatres soundtracks.
Very original and at the same time very catchy their tunes are just wonderful.This tape is old but they are still alive and kicking,you can read more on their actual webpage and this is their youtube channel where you can see their colourful performances.
Enjoy it.
A great act from Marseille.
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Monday 16 May 2016

In Media Res N9-(Fanzine-Croatia-1997)

In Media Res was a small punk fanzine edited by Mark Strpic in Zagreb on the end of the 90s.
In this issue you`ll find a spanish punk scene report,an interview to Selfworth fanzine and the american band Retallion,reviews of tapes and 7inches,a report about Villa Squat in Thessaloniki(Greece) and more random thoughts.
A small yet very creative fanzine.
Here the introduction to this issue.
Enjoy it.
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Sunday 15 May 2016

TERMINUS-Live at Queens Hotel-Scunthorpe-19.03.1988+TERMINUS-Live at Queens Hotel-Scunthorpe-19.10.1991-(Not On Label-c60-UK-1992)

Here two live recordings by the mighty Terminus,a band already covered in this blog,in fact I just love their music and attitude.I wrote about them when I posted the very rare tape Hands Up For An early Grave, after that post I got in touch with Mark(the singer/guitarist) and He kindly donated to this blog 3 other rare tapes First Demo(1984),Catalogue of Crime(1985) and Body Count(1986).
I am now very happy to share those two other jewels,two gigs at Queens Hotel in Scumthorpe,the recordings are pretty good and in fact this tape delivers us their full energy as live act.
For all of you curious to know more about this astonishing band I can just suggest you to visit their nice webpage where you can read their biography,discography,interviews and more related issues. 
To complete this post I must give all my gratitude to Mark for giving me permission to post those amazing live documents.
Enjoy it.
live at queens hotel-1988 
live at queens hotel-1991 

Saturday 14 May 2016

ETICA ASCETICA-10 Years Anniversay Tape,The Worst Of...-(1000+1 Tilt-Greece-c90-1999)

Etica Ascetica(Ascetic Ethics) is another name for the ghost collective E.A., I spoke about this project many times now posting all the tapes and some of their art-fanzines. 
This tape, as the titles refer, was a celebration for 10 years of activities, it is a compilation of songs taken from the other tape-works released previously. It was compiled by Raff during the summer 1999 and then released by Iason on his cool label 1000+1 Tilt in Greece on the end of the same year. 
Enjoy it.
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a01- Tribal Conviction's End
a02-Silvia Barsi recites a Pablo Neruda `s song
a03-Fragment taken from-Pestilentia Urit Urbem
a04-tesi circonstanziate
a05- Lenses Stained With Blood
a06-Fragment taken from E.A.-Herb Mullin split tape
a07- A Waterfall of Emotions
a08-Cielo ambrato-latte
a09-Fragment taken from Pornohorrors
a10-Finestre sulla pena
a11- TraĆ¼m
a12-Cerchio di coscienza
b01- Your Voice by Mail (part I)
b02- Drops of Ashes
b03-Fragment taken from Diskarika Screaming
b04- A Flight of Steps in Your Body
b05- Just Another Prey
b06- Haemorrage Yourself
b07-Oasi finale del rantolare
b08-Poncif(luogo comune)
b09-fragment taken from Culver-E.A. split tape
b10- Angry Voices, Happy Voices


Friday 13 May 2016

NO MAS EXCUSAS-(Mail Art Project-Global Networking-1991)

NO Mas Excusas was a mail art project lauched by the Uruguayan Mail Artist Clement Padin on the end of the 80s and terminated with an exhibition and this documentation in 1991.
A small biography taken by Wordpress.
"Clemente PadĆ­n was born in Lascano, Uruguay in 1939. He is a poet, performer, designer, video- and multimedia-artist, and art critic. He studied Spanish Literature at the University of the Republic of Uruguay. In 1967 he made first experiences in the field of Mail Art, exchanging publications with Edgardo Antonio Vigo, Guillermo Deisler and DĆ”maso Ogaz. In 1969 he published the magazine “OVUM” as well as postcards and visual poems. During the Military Dictatorship in Uruguay he organised the first Latin-American Mail Art exhibition in 1974 at Gallery U in Montevideo. With his fake postal stamps he doomed the dictatorial regime for its brutal suppression of human rights. This might have lead to his imprisonment from August 1977 to Novembre 1979. Mail Artists from all around the world protested against it.
In October 1983 he showed the public his artistic activities in the exhibitions “1. Mai” in Uruguay. After that he organised the Latin-American and Caribian union of Mail Artists, founded August 31, 1984 in Rosario, Argentina. Since then PadĆ­n has been participating in hundreds of Mail Art exhibitions worldwide.
“Mail Art is not made for the art marked, it is there to be consumed and communicated. It is impossible to reduce the artistic to political or social interests. The political content of art is inseperably bound to the artistic content. Mail Art shows itself as a form of social consciousness.” Clemente PadĆ­n (translation by MAI)"
You can read a very interesting interview to this artist on
In this documentation you`ll find a very good article about :Networking, MAil Art and Human Rights in Latin America.(in spanish and english).
Enjoy it.
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RADIKALNA PROMJENA-Jaki Ljudi Ne Trebaju Vođu-(Self Released-Croatia-1997)

"RADIKALNA PROMJENA (eng. Radical Change) was an important DIY anarcho-hardcore-punk band, with some dub elements in their music, from Zagreb, Croatia.
One of the founders of the band and the vocalist/songwriter is Domagoj Å eks. He was son of the Vladimir Å eks, that was president of Croatian parliament and still is now very influential politician in Croatian government and 'the word on the street' is that Domagoj, his son, had a really big problem to live with the fact that he is his son, so perhaps that is the reason, why is this tape full of very honest & constructive rebellious attitude against government & society stupidity that (still) gets rapidly even worse every day. Domagoj Å eks tragically died in 2005 in India, because some local group of people, that didn't like him, put the poison in his tea. Some of other Radikalna Promjena members formed dub band called Radikal Dub Kolektiv."(from Pouludjela Pankcina blog)
5 tracks of furious political HC punk, well recorded, all the info in Croatian language only on the cover sleeve of this great cassette.
Enjoy it.


Wednesday 11 May 2016

MARCEL HERMS & MARC VAN ELBURG-Feedback Distortion-(De Hondenkoekjesfabriek-Holland-2004)

Here the marvellous art-opera of the sublime duo Marc Van Elburg and Marcel Herms.
Expect noise,industrial,weird frequencies,odd loops and more genial passages.
It came in a very spacial folder with cartboard printed label and a 40-page booklet with 'art brut' drawings, packaged in a plastic sleeve.  
De Hondenkoekjesfabriek seems to be the label associated with the Dutch noise project called Fck'N'Bstrds*. is the webpage by Marc Van Elburg where you can check his great drawings and art-works,you`ll find it here
The booklet give us an insight of his own strange yet very nice drawings and art.
An exquisite piece of art-brut plastic+papers.
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Tuesday 10 May 2016

MAHIMA-Mahima-(Self Released-Italy-1992)

Mahima was an Italian punk band active in the 90s, I do not know if they released anything else besides this cool demo.
It has a good recording and its cover sleeve includes their political lyrics/ideas too.
Enjoy it.
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Monday 9 May 2016

Mira Tu Interior n.0-(Fanzine -Spain-199?)

A Very cool fanzine created and distributed by Jaime Diaz and  Isabel Martin in Sevilla(Southern Spain)during the 90s.
This is the number 0 and it contains interesting ideas and articles about /against sexism, animal exploitation, poetries, graphix works, drawings, and personal views points about the punk scene, freedom and more interesting subjects.
I am going to attach here what they wrote to introduce this issue. 
Only in Spanish language.
Enjoy it.
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Sunday 8 May 2016

DANIELE CIULLINI-Identita` Sonora-(Self Relesed-Italy-2016)

Another great release by the cross-cultural genius Daniele Ciullini, mail artist and musician active since the early 80s.
I spoke about him when I posted his digital album Resti(2014).
In that post, you`ll find also his biography and a very useful note about his own works and ideas/messages. His YouTube channel is here
and  here his page.
In this 4 tracks mini album called Identita` Sonora(Sonic Identity) Daniele crystallizes ancient sound-sculptures where damned souls and imaginary ghosts move swiftly into parallel dimensions leaving us dazed and speechless.
This is a wonderful album for the lovers of old-school industrial and powerful dark ambient.
A very big thanx to Daniele for choosing my blog to share this amazing album.I loved it, simply.
Enjoy it.

Friday 6 May 2016

NACHT UND NEBEL- In DIY Session-(Guerilla Front Tapes-France-1992)

Angry, fast, violent HC Punk spitting rage and disgust of this consumer society. Nach Und Nebel released this marvelous tape back in 1992 and it still stands strong for its messages and music today.
It came out with full lyrics sheets both in French and English.
For the lovers of certain anarcho-punk straight from the heart, this is a little jewel.
Enjoy it
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ps-news on the 27/07/2018 by a FB User called Raf Diy after that this was shared on an FB Page about HC Punk:
 "Fond memories of this release on my early tape label, which became Guerilla Vinyl. Meeting and recording this band was just pure pleasure and it seemed like everything was possible. Recorded in South-west of France, in a garage, with cheap material, particularly the mics, on a Fostex X-26 4 tracks cassette portastudio... Sorry about the sound, my fault not theirs :)
 This band only release. They were called Apatride Bunker before, one of the members also played with grindcore band Ultimate Disorder (I had recorded their demo at the same time, in a garden shed!), he and another member later played with Enola Gay, and Disbeer, among other bands."

Sexy Girl-(Mail Art Project-Global Networking-1992)

Sexy Girl was a mail art project launched by Matteo Cagnola in Italy, He was also running a mail art archive.
Lots of artworks from different mail artists from all over the world who sent 50 copies of the same piece of art to be assembled in this small zine.
Nice, provoking, funny and inspiring...
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Wednesday 4 May 2016

v.a.-NOTRE DAME vol 9-(EE Tapes-Belgium-c46-1996)

Volume 9 of this astonishing series published and distributed by EE Tapes.I already posted the volume 9 and half and the volume seven.
It comes in an A6 sized plastic bag and it  contains amazing acts playing noise ambient,industrial and esoteric electornickx.
Here a very interesting interview with the mastermind of this superb label Eriek Van Havere.
Eriek is still active and  you can check his cool webpage here.
Limited edition of 100 hand numbered copies,it is long gone now.
Enjoy it.

A1 Noshinto The End Of The World (Destroyed Mix) 4:25
A2 Ec8or Short Circuit 4:10
A3 I.Q.C.M. I.Q.C.M. No Es Humano 4:35
A4 Mr. Moto (2) meets Feldenberg Om Noisy Funny Action 1:50
A5 Killout Trash Rapegirl (Part 3) 2:50
A6 The Haters Life Is No Time To Be Practical 5:00
B1 De Fabriek Fasttracker 4:30
B2 Brandelli D'Odio Barocchio Jam (Half Calibrated Incident) 4:35
B3 Killout Trash Disko Ambient 4:05
B4 Hypnoskull It's Your Problem (Original Version) 3:20
B5 Konstruktivists* Hello 3:05
B6 Konsort Stench 3:10

Tuesday 3 May 2016

WAKA WAKA-Stupido Teatro-(Mister X-Italy-1994)

Full-length cd by this amazing punk band from Brescia(Northern Italy).Waka Waka formed in  December 1989 and they were active till 2006, their webpage is updated until 2007,s I do not know if they are still can check a few info here.
Their music has a very personal style and it included different influences, the lyrics are very nice too. The booklet included in this cd is very well done and it reports the lyrics in Italian and the relevant English translations.
Mister X Produzioni was a small D.I.Y. Hardcore Punk label from Pinerolo (Torino-Italy) active during the 90s. 
Enjoy it.
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Sunday 1 May 2016

DSIP-Rebound-(Contaminated Productions-Italy-c60-1993)+DSIP-Out Now-(Ebu`s Music-Germany-c30-1991)

I already wrote about this amazing German Project, in fact, I posted lots  of their old productions, you`ll find them here  and here and again here finally here and here too.
Siegman Fricke and Dieter Mauson were active and very prolific during the 90s, they are back together as DSIP and here there is their official blog.
I also wrote already about Ebus Music(Label & mailorder established in 1988 & run by Carsten Olbrich aka Mr. Ebu.) and about Contaminated Productions too.
Enjoy the sublime electronic hypnotic music by this astonishing duo.
out now