Sunday 31 May 2015

AZYL P - Live - (Sonus-Poland-1984)

AZYL P was a Polish band playing hard rock and some sort of heavy blues-influenced music, they were active in the 80s, here their MySpace and a discogs page.
Sonus was a private company in communist Poland. Opened in February 1982. Ceased operations 31.12.1986. Issued 28 titles (2 in its last year). 
Enjoy it.
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Saturday 30 May 2015

LASSE MARHAUG-Feed Feel-(Brawler Productions-Germany-1996)

Lasse Marhaug (b. 1974) has since the early 1990s been one of the most active artists in the Norwegian noise/experimental music scene. As a performer and composer he has contributed to well over 300 CD, vinyl and cassette releases over the years, as well as extensive touring and performing live on all continents of the world. In addition to his solo work, Marhaug has collaborated with several artists in the fields of noise, experimental, improv, jazz, rock and extreme metal, as well as working with music and sound for theatre, dance, installations, film and video. He works with different kinds of instrumentation; from guitar-pedals and homemade electronics to computers and modified guitars, but conciders the mixing-board his main instrument. In the 90s he started TWR Tapes (still going) and ran Jazzassin Records. In the 2000s he started the record labels Pica Disk and Prisma Records. In 2011 he started his own print publishing called Marhaug Forlag. He has also been active as an organizer, promoter and producer. Marhaug was born in the northern regions above the arctic circle of Norway, but currently lives in Oslo.(from his official
And here another tape which He shared with Gestorte, that I posted last year.
Bawler Productions was a small noise  and experimental label from Germany run by Thomas Gith.
All music created by Lasse Maraugh in April 1996. Front cover of cassette case is hand-painted/scratched. 

Thursday 28 May 2015

v.a.-AUTOMOZIONE-(Contaminated Productions-Italy-c60-1990)

First compilation by the amazing italian label Contaminated Productions,I posted already few releases by this label here and here and here.
A bunch of italian bands(but Trottel) active in the end of the 80s,fast and furious HC punk with political lyrics,quite few of them very unknown at the time.
It came out with a small booklet with lyrics,contacts + graphix by the bands included and few articles about self productions and self management.
Enjoy it.

A1 Panico (3) Nervi
A2 Panico (3) La Mia Testa
A3 Nullafacenti Nullafacenti
A4 Nullafacenti Morto Dentro
A5 Black Flowers (3) Vi Dico No
A6 Black Flowers (3) Cadaveri Innocenti
A7 Bandiera Dell'Odio Non Solo Amarezza Dopo L'Inganno
A8 Bandiera Dell'Odio Dolore
A9 M.A.B. (4) Nessuna Droga
A10 M.A.B. (4) Chiesa Puttana
B1 Trottel Barricades
B2 Atrox (7) Futuro
B3 Atrox (7) Città Maledetta
B4 Vomito (3) Italia Razzista
B5 Vomito (3) 1000 Leoncavallo
B6 Contrasto (3) Intro/Non Sparate Sui Contrasto
B7 Caesar Crash White's Flame
B8 Caesar Crash Mi Pongo Domande
B9 MDG (2) Condannati
B10 MDG (2) Ti Odio
B11 Digos Goat Burattini
B12 Digos Goat Dimmi Perché

A5-A6 Recorded live at CSA Sobbalzo (IM), 25 Feb 1989.
B2-B3 Recorded live Centro Sociale Aldo Moro, 3 June 1988 (Agrate Brianza)

200 pressed with different color covers: Green, Red, Blue

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Global Mail - Issue 10 - Jan/April `95 - (Fanzine,Bullettin,Global Networking,Usa,Mail Art-1995)

A very big and complex bulletin of mail art,fanzines,graphiks and  more underground press details and  articles,passing from tape-compilations reviews and announcements,rubber stamps trades,penpals,poetry entries,politics,art projects,anarchist support,archives and books.
A very comprehensive guide of the underground press movements and it is  a good resource fanzine to research the mail art and similar matters of the 90s.
click me

Monday 25 May 2015


This cassette is a collection of live recordings taken from the Bali`s indigenous people during their life experiences such as shadow puppet plays,full moon festival,funerary processions,musical maker instruments improvisations and moments of everyday life at home or in the streets in a Bali`s village.
It`s a full ethnic music research and long recording giving us insights of their musical taste and use of some  typical instruments.
The man who recorded this tape back in 1990 is Simon Cheffins,better known for his amazing work in the band Crash Worship,I did find a good webpage about them and here an interview to Simon Cheffins where He talks briefly also about his experience in Bali.
iAlarma! is the personal label of Crash Worship,replaced their older Rocco Fresco label.
For people into ethnic music: this tape is a rare pearl.Enjoy it.
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Sunday 24 May 2015

RAISON D`ETRE/SVASTI AYANAM -The Ring Of Isvarah-(Split Tape-Slaughter Productions-Italy-c60-1994)

A split cassette from two projekts from the prolific ritual sonorous composer Peter Anderson [Atomine Elektrine, D:Combe, Grismannen, Necrophorus, Panzar, raison d'être, Svasti-ayanam] With this release on Marco Corbelli's label Slaughter Productions Peter utilises one ov his monikers with thee most copious back catalog: raison d'être; as well as one ov his least utilised nomenclatures: Svasti-ayanam. Both projekts deliver wondrous occult sonorism ov thee highest order!! Trancing choral bursts with deep expansive droning synthesisers and beatific piano lines delve deeply into an inner experience bound to leave profound effects felt deeply!! Revel in thee wondrous occult sonorism!!
(digital transfer by Faraway,review by Crepusculum)
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Track listing:
A1 raison d'être - Cantharsis
A2 raison d'être - Mourning
A3 raison d'être - Mezmerized In Sorrow
A4 raison d'être - Out Of The Depths...
A5 raison d'être - Dekay
A6 raison d'être - Inquest
A7 raison d'être - Disektion
B1 Svasti-ayanam - Chakra-Puja
B2 Svasti-ayanam - Varna-Sankara
B3 Svasti-ayanam - Ugra-Karma
B4 Svasti-ayanam - Zar
B5 Svasti-ayanam - Yajña-Purusa
B6 Svasti-ayanam - Adhyätmika

Saturday 23 May 2015

ORIGAMI REPLIKA - Pro-Life - (Biotope Art Organization-UK-c60-199?)

I already spoke about a part of this  project  when I posted those tapes by Origami.In fact Origami Replika is another cell coming from Origami Republika,a complex project from Norway.

Origami Republika is a world-wide collective based in Norway, releasing music under almost any genre, as well as artwork and written works. Membership is by application, and every member has a number. Many of the artists under this collective banner produce under names starting with "Origami".Here their official webpage.
I also already spoke about this amazing label
Biotope Art Organization,tape-label born in Southern Italy 
and then relocated in UK.There are many productions in this blog by this cool label,all very good.Enjoy it.

Friday 22 May 2015

INZIRLI-Demo-(Self Released-Italy-c20-1993)

Very original  and personal HC punk by this band from Udine(Northern Italy).
They were very attached to their own land and their own dialect and their  music reflects all this.
There are quite few internet pages talking about them,the most of them  only in Italian language.
Here few info taken from Sonic Reducer:

Enjoy it.
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Wednesday 20 May 2015

MAEROR TRI-Archaic States-(G.R.O.S.S.-Japan-c60-1993)

Another great tape by the mighty Maeror Tri:an ambient, noise and drone music band from Germany founded in the 1980s which consisted of Stefan "Baraka H" Knappe, Martin "GLIT[s]CH" Gitschel and Helge Siehl.They used only live instruments to produce music with enormous amount of effects applied. They disbanded in the late 1990s after releasing a number of limited-edition records.
They made history in this genre,here a wikipedia page about them where you can read their biography and long discography.
G.R.O.S.S. was a  label run by Akifumi Nakajima / Aube
 Each release only available in small and exquisitely designed editions.
Three main cassette series existed:
- the G.R.O.S.S. series (GR): Each tape was packaged in a standard snap-case with printed labels and an elaborate j-card. This was packaged in a plastic sleeve sealed with a unique sticker for each release. These tapes were numbered, but not in an explicitly limited edition. The first 50 copies of each were on metal tape; the remaining ones were on chrome tape.
- the G.R.O.S.S. Envelope series (GRE): Each tape was packaged in a sealed black envelope with printed labels and inserts. Each was limited to 120 numbered copies.
- the G.R.O.S.S. Special series (GRS): Each tape in this series had special hand-made packaging and was limited & numbered.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

ATAVISTIC-From Within-(Self Released-UK-1986)

ATAVISTIC formed from the remnants of two earlier Punk bands MENTAL BLOCKAGE and CRIES OF AGONY, are perhaps the most well-known band to emerge from the Kent Hardcore Punk scene of the 80s. 
The chaotic hybrid of Crust/Grind which featured on their first two 7" EPs evolved into a slightly groovier Motorhead/Blues-tinged Thrash on their only LP, complete with the addition of distorted harmonica solos.

John was later tragically killed in a motorcycle accident.
Patrick McKernan went to become a solo folk/blues performer.(info taken from their  page)
This demo is very rare nowadays:a classic from the past with a fury and  an energy still raging on...
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Monday 18 May 2015

VASILISK-Liberation And Ecstasy-(cd-Musica Maxima Magnetica-Italy-1990)

In 1985, after the split up of the political unit 'White Hospital', Tomo Kuwabara started up the unit Vasilisk with Yukio Nagoshi (percussions/guitars) and Chiaki (percussions). They made a first album called 'Whirling Dervishes' in 1987, released through Eskimo, which was the label established by Yun 'Grim' Konagaya. In this album they played several and unusual instruments: African skin-drums, African flute, Tibetan percussions, Ancestor's voices. In 1988 they made a second album called 'Mkwaju' with the same line-up and also released by Eskimo. Just after the release of this album, Tomo and Yukio joined Rose Mcdowall's new project Candy Cain. They toured through Japan during most of 1988. Around that time, Luciano Dari invited them to release their next album on his label Musica Maxima Magnetica. After the collaboration with the Rose's project in 1989, they started to record their third album 'Acqua' in London and Naples (Italy) with the same three members. 'Acqua' was released at the end of the same year by Musica Maxima Magnetica. After they came back from Europe, they started to compile and remix their previous material from the three albums in order to release their most intensive tracks on their debut CD release, entitled 'Liberation and Ecstasy'. After that they went into a long silence of 5 years. Tomo traveled around Asian countries for nearly 2 years starting in 1991, in order to search his identity as an Asian.... Most people knowing and expecting a lot from this unique band, were thinking they had stopped all activities, but that was not true! In fact during this time they had recorded two (still) unreleased albums. The first unreleased one was recorded in 1993 and it was called 'Tongue'. At that time the line up was changed as Yayoi (voice), Hidero (guitars) and Tomo (percussions). In 1994 they went to Moscow in order to make their own documentary program on TV and join the Contemporary Music and Art Festival. In 1995 they made a second unreleased album, recorded in Tokyo. Unfortunately they decided not to release these 2 albums as they thought the sound was odd and incomplete. They went further in song-oriented direction including a female vocalist...but they felt that direction was inappropriate for them, because of the lyrics; whereas most artists are using lyrics to express their policy, they felt the lyrics were a constraint, since they tend to define the image of music and imagination of listeners. After those chaos years, Tomo met Tsuyoshi (keyboard) and they started as Vasilisk to create a new sound with another method of musical expression. They were admiring the techno-sound with strong rhythm to create a state of trance like ancient shamans....full of united groove. So they choose the psychedelic trance sound which stimulates their brain directly without any words.
IMHO their best LP with a variety of styles,from dark ambient to strange ballads(one song is writte
n by Suzanne Vega!).[info taken from discogs]
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Sunday 17 May 2015

Suicidio Autonomo- #1 Spring 2004 - (Spain-Magazine-2004)

A very comprehensive magazine  with lots of various articles talking about the suicide without apologies or taboos.
It has 132 pages full of very interesting ideas/messages/articles and more stuff about the voluntary death,its meanings,some of very famous suicides,political prisoners contributions,philosophy and techniques for the self-annihilation.
I know they released a number 0 of this magazine before this issue,I`d love to read it.
All the articles here are copy left and free to re-use or let circulate.
I `ve heard that some of the people involved in this magazine they are now writing on this very good blog.
This is an excellent magazine about this  subject with lots of very in depth articles.
Only for people  speaking Spanish...
Enjoy it.
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Saturday 16 May 2015

RYTHMXP-Rythmxp-(MXP Label-Switzerland-c60-1993)

I do not know much about this project beside the fact that MXP seems to be a collective and a label at the same time,hailing from Geneve in Switzerland and active during the 90s.
This project offer us  strange and complex sonics made of  dysfunctional ambient passages  alternating themselves with a good dose of rhythmic teknoid.
Both sides are live recordings of 2 different performances in Germany:
side A live in Hanau and side B live in Stuttgart both on november 1993!
As overall  both  recordings are pretty  good. 
This will make happy some people into industrial weird music touching the abstract,the noise and lots of  rhythms too.
Enjoy it.
ps-this tape is not indexed

Friday 15 May 2015

B.T.F.- INTERNAL AUTONOMY-Split tape-(Contaminated Productions-Italy-c60-1994)

This split tape is the 15th production of this Italian label.A c60 shared with 2 English bands.
B.T.F. stands for Blitzed To Fuck and they were from Salisbury ,active since the end of the 80 they play an aggressive form of anarcopunk.
Not too much info about them,sorry.
Internal Autonomy was a project/band founded by the singer Nikki and the drummer Al.Their line up changed various times and they recorded lots of stuff,here a discogs page about them.They play a very good post-punk with political and personal lyrics.
As far as I know they are still active using the name Feroxide,here a page about them and here their facebook page.
Both bands have good recordings and few info  on the folded cover-sleeve.
Enjoy it.
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Wednesday 13 May 2015

CONDOMINIUM-Intereaction-(Groupuscole Vision-France-1993-c60)+Transfert-(Groupuscule Vision-France-1993-c90)

2  different concerts on those tapes by this unknown French project shooting at us a good dose of noise industrial and power-electronics.
I guess they were part of Groupuscole Vision, an independent tape label formed by the art collective Cartel Experimental, as far as I know, they were also releasing an international newsletter called Concept.
It also seems that this collective was busy organizing gigs and live performances of noise artists/bands at the beginning of the 90s.
All their releases were limited edition of 50 copies with colour cover and chrome tapes.I think those tapes are hard to find nowadays.
Enjoy the Noizzzzeeee...

Tuesday 12 May 2015

C.O.36 A.S.(Amnesia State)-GERL(Virology)-Split Tape-(Self Released-Italy-c60-199?)

Minimal information on either ov these artists; other than that they were both from Brescia in northern-Italy.. C.O.36 - Amnesia State [Michele Marpicati]. notes for this cassette: "RECORDED 4 TRACK, NO SAMPLES, KEYBOARDS USED IN THE MAKING OF THIS RECORDINGS" jeje.. effing love this sort ov ascetic abandonment ov thee use ov such technologies, and thee need ov notifying us.. wonder what gear they did use..?? 
MY NUMBER IS 96201200 - tis strange pulsating elektroniks with wierdly alien flanging fluidity.. ending in what sounds like screamy feedback ala Masonna / Prurient.. 
RETURN VALVE S16BF - wierd power-elektronik type static with fast/slow locked groove type repetitions ending in washes ov Marsona 1200 type white noise ambiance.. jeje.. Masonna & Marsona in thee same review..
S.S.S. - alien-invasion style sonic experimentation with almost harmonic filter type progressions.. sounds like thee phaser has made it's presence felt here.. 
REMOTE - dystopic police-state type siren with barely audible wierd backing sounds like someone vaccuuming in the next room during recording.. 
N.B.C. ALARM - thundrous rumbling akin maybe to having a panic attack [or maybe am hung over here..], but with interesting collaging shattered shards ov power elektroniks..
VOYAGER-1 - relaxing ethereal elektronikx akin to thee subleties ov bowed-strings going out ov tune [if washes ov feedback can be said to do this..] also kind ov like an attempt tis being made with playing at just-stopping the signal before it is about to go into thee red..
Gerl [Alessandro Burri]. Not any other info.. unless you think that writing to his olde address may yield some sort ov fortuitous results..
viral core - sounds like sampling may have been used for this due to thee repetitive nature ov thee sounds.. definitely delay.. great restrained subtlety to thee beatific synth type warmth brought into the piece with high pitch signal use kept at just below thee point ov annoyance.. definitely delay.. jeje
frameshift - warm rumbling low-end ambiance with thee "pfft.. pfft.." akin to locked-groove technique, but shifted & stretched in tempo variance with crunchy eruptive repetition joining, and use ov other unique wierd elektronik minimalism.. really like this piece!! reminds me ov childhood use ov rotary phones, but am uncertain what tis thee point being confessed to with that statement.. anyways..
LTR 5' - more delicately beatific ambient somnolence here!! minimal use ov thee sounds ov stylus obfuscated by dust or paper, and as well ov thee quiet short crash ov thunder.. 
LTR 3' - again thee great delicate sounds ov thee most beloved ov inventions: thee phonographic stylus!! this variation on thee LTR theme also utilises thee short crashes ov reverbed thunder minimally interspersed, but this time with thee repetitious use ov analog-type synth warbling.. sadly, this beauty like all things comes to an end..
Track listing:
a01-C.O. 36 A.S.-my number is 96201200
a02-C.O. 36 A.S.-return valve S16BF
a03-C.O. 36 A.S.-S.S.S.
a04-C.O. 36 A.S.-Remote
a05-C.O. 36 A.S.-N.B.C. Alarm
a06-C.O. 36 A.S.-voyager-1
b01-GERL-viral core
b03-GERL-L T R 5`
b04-GERL-L T R 3`

(transferred by F/a/R/a/W/a/Y -review by crepusculum)

Monday 11 May 2015

v.a.-Los Que Alimentan El Odio...Con Odio Se Encontraran-(Cd-Coproduction[Cryptas Recs,Illy Joker Recs,Esperanza Viva Recs]-Mexico-2002)

Long compilation cd with lots of bands hailing from Peru and playing anarcopunk.
It came out  with a nice long booklet with info + lyrics,graphix and contacs of the bands involved.
It seems to be a  co-production between 3 Mexican labels:Esperanza Viva,Cryptas Records and Illy Joker Recs.
All the recordings are pretty good and almost all the band play HC punk sung in Spanish.Expect political lyrics and violent music.
Enjoy it.
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Sunday 10 May 2015

v.a.-ELEGY #2-(EE Tapes-Belgium-c60-1997)

Amazing compilation released in 1997 by the Belgian EE tapes,here a very interesting interview with the mastermind of this cool label Eriek Van Havere,and those are his sites, MySpace.
This excellent sampler features very good artists playing ambient/drone/esoterick electornickx and similar styles.
It was released in a limited edition of 100 copies on chrome cassette and it was also available in limited quantity on minidisc 60 format.
Enjoy it.

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De Fabriek Doni I 3:35
Collapse (2) An Ever Fading Memory, A Never Fading Memory 5:17
Hybryds Wailing For The Fallen Angels (Live) 8:35
Alchemy Of The 20th Century Taken By Shining Sea 4:06
TBC (2) & Scour Swelling Threat 5:32
Hypnoskull City At Night 2:13
De Fabriek Flamenco Dub 0:35
Psych Krist Kastrator Depths And How To Fall Them 5:35
Disumana Res Dark Ceremony 5:02
NKVD (2) Are You Lonely 3:36
Meeuw Muzak Ranzig (Deel 3) 4:35
Gaya* Scared Tongue 3:01
Sveen Walhallah 1:33
Disumana Res I Made You 6:26


Saturday 9 May 2015

Transfusion n36-July 1993-(Fanzine,Italy-Mail Art-Global Networking-1993)

Another fanzine by Alessandro Ceccotto, posting here mail art projects and more random issues about mail art,postal networks,diy fanzines and tapes`s flyers,collage artworks and articles both in english and italian languages.
A must for all the  Mail Art lovers.
click me

Friday 8 May 2015

SPIRITUS NAEVUS-Age-(Exprel-France-c60-1992)

Another great cassette by this amazing label managed by Cyril Adam in France  during the 90s.
I posted already the magnificent sampler called "The Dream That Could awake" by this  cool label. 
I do not know much about Spiritus Naevus,it seems to be a french project playing a nice form of drone/ambient industrial music.
This k7 came out with a  full colour xerox cover.
For people into trancelike ambient sounds and vibes.
Enjoy it.
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